muscle relaxant


What is mse spasm

Mse Spasm is
Sme times pepe have an awkwad feeing f tightness in mses f thei bak, nek ams, egs. Smetimes, spts pesns, athetes the pepe invving in stens ativities get amps in thei mses. Bth these fms ae knwn as mse spasms.

A mse Spasm is an nexpeted, sdden, abpt invntay ntatin ve shtening f any singe mse gp f mses. It an be as a tempay and sdden aise f emtin, enegy. Geneay it is haateized by sdden bst f npeasant, painf sensatin.


say these Mse amps p p fm simpe fatige f mses, afte sdden heavy exeise when mse is nt habitated f sh exta ads. It an as ding pegnany. Hweve, thee ae few instanes when eetyte imbaanes disdes in nemsa fntins tigge spasms. As, it an be side effet f etain mediatin. The sdden mvements, patiay a sdden, tweaking mvement an atayze spasms.
P sppy f xygen t mse es is egaded as ne f the pemiee easns behind spasms amps. This an be teated with deep and sw beathing

Eetyte Distbane whih indes Hypkaemia, haateized by defiieny f ptassim and Hypaemia, defiieny f aim is the main ase. This an be veme by intding sppement diet ntaining aim and ptassim

Mse Tama is an exessive stess n mses asing mid t sevee amps. The affeted aea may be infamed, swen, eddened. This is say haateized by a snapping snd when injy s. Sw stething is again vey sef

Dehydatin is pehaps the mst instmenta fat behind amps .Sdim ss in mses de t dehydatin pdes imb and abdmina amps. Dinking penty f wate with ineased intake f sats an d the wnde

Menstatin is as ne f the imptant ases f amps f vaying magnitde in the abdmen. Mensta spasms an be veme with heat appiatin sing heating pads, stething exeises, teatment f ibpfen


التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:


What is mse eaxant

A mse eaxant is dg whih affets skeeta mse fntin and deease the mse tne .It may be sed t aeviate symptms sh as mse spasms, pain, and hypeefexia. The tem "mse eaxant" is sed t efe t tw maj theapeti gps:
nemsa bkes and spasmytis. Nemsa bkes at by intefeing with tansmissin at the nemsa end pate and have n NS ativity. They ae ften sed ding sgia pedes and in intensive ae and emegeny mediine t ase paaysis.
Spasmytis, as knwn as "entay-ating" mse eaxants, ae sed t aeviate msskeeta pain and spasms and t ede spastiity in a vaiety f negia nditins. Whie bth nemsa bkes and spasmytis ae ften gped tgethe as mse eaxants
A) Nemsa-bking dgs

Mst nemsa bkes fntin by bking tansmissin at the end pate f the nemsa jntin. Nmay, a neve impse aives at the mt neve temina, initiating an infx f aim ins whih ases the exytsis f synapti vesies ntaining aetyhine. Aetyhine then diffses ass the synapti eft. It may be hydysed by Aetyhine estease (AhE) bind t the nitini eepts ated n the mt end pate.
The binding f tw aetyhine mees ests in a nfmatina hange in the eept that pens the sdim-ptassim hanne f the nitini eept. This aws Na+ and a2+ ins t ente the e and K+ ins t eave the e asing a depaizatin f the end pate, esting in mse ntatin.Fwing depaizatin, the aetyhine mees ae then emved fm the end pate egin and enzymatiay hydysed by aetyhinestease.
Nma end pate fntin an be bked by tw mehanisms. Nndepaizing agents ike tbaine bk the agnist, aetyhine, fm binding nitini eepts and ativating them, theeby peventing depaizatin. Atenativey, depaizing agents sh as sinyhine ae nitini eept agnists whih mimi Ah, bk mse ntatin by depaizing t sh an extent that it desensitizes the eept and it an n nge initiate an atin ptentia and ase mse ntatin. These nemsa bking dgs ae sttay simia t aetyhine.

B) Spasmytis

The geneatin f the nena signas in mt nens that ase mse ntatins ae dependent n the baane f synapti exitatin and inhibitin that the mt nen eeives. Spasmyti agents geneay wk by eithe enhaning the eve f inhibitin, eding the eve f exitatin. Inhibitin is enhaned by mimiking enhaning the atins f endgens inhibity sbstanes, sh as GABA


التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:


Dg in maket


التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:


pham phendine + Paaetam
ffeing a gd sessf pepaatin indiatin the management f ate spasti disdes f skeeta mse espeiay thse esting fm tama veteba disk ppaps and the painf nditin.

Dima : mehanism f atin

mbines the atin f Methabam, whih inhibit mse spasms and atin f Difena Ptassim, whih inhibit pstagandin bisynthesis ( eeased as est f infammatin ) and nseqenty pding anagesi and anti infammaty atin
This mbinatin signifiay edes pain , mse spasms and stiffness assiated with ate hni msskeeta disdes

: nta indiatin
- Dima is nta indiated in patient with knwn inteane t any f its tw ative ingedients t aspiin

- Nt t be given t patient with a histy f pepti eatin t patient with impaied ive fntin

- shd nt be taken ding pegnany and atatin

Myfen: mehanism f atin
hzxazne is a entay ating mse eaxant , is maj side f atin is spina d and sbitia aeas f the bain t inhibit mehanisms espnsibe f exessive mse tne
Ibpfen is an anagesi effetive in the eief pain in mse and jints

This mbinatin is vey effetive f qik eief f pain and esting f the mbiity in ases f painf msskeeta disdes

S.M. (smth mse eaxant) :
( mehanism f atin

Tizanidine is entay ating as mse eaxant anti spastiity agent its is site f atin is spina d .
It is effetive in bth painf mse spasm and hni spastiity f spina and eeba igin , it is edes esistane t passive mvement aeviates spasms and ns and impves vntay stength

Mti eax
ybenzapine H eieves skeeta mse spasm f a igin witht intefeing with mse fntin

It eded skeeta mse hypeativity

The mst mmn dgs in maket




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