Myostatin,Follistatin and Muscular dystrophy and hypertrophy

Mystatin,Fistatin and Msa dystphy and hypetphy

Gwth diffeentiatin fats (GDFs) beng t the tansfming gwth fat beta (TGF-β) spefamiy that have many devepmenta fntins in the bdy.
an imptant membe f GDFs sfamiy is Mystatin.
Mystatin(GDF8),it`s an imptant ptien that imits the mse devepment. (The highe nentatin f mystatin the ess mse devepment ).Mystatin is pimaiy pded by mse es. Femaes tend t pde me mystatin eepts, whih heps expain why men tend t have geate mse mass.
In 2002 eseahes fnd that "mighty mie" thse mie that had mtatin f the gene fming mystatin they wee stnge and they wee ess ssbitibe t Msa dystphy,the mie with n mystatin gene and having dystphy wee stnge than thse with the mystatin gene.
At that time sientist was hping that this wk the same way in pepe, by 2004 a geman by bn in Bein, he was stnge than the hiden in his age.His mses wee twie the size f the kids his age and haf thei bdy fat.He was having a geneti mtatin that bk the pdtin f Mystatin.

eseahes stat thinking f making a mystatin inhibit dg s that they an get an advantage f it in ases f mse dystphy mse wasting de t ane AIDS, in De 8 2005 sientist d make an agent that bk mystatin knwn as AV2B ,this new agent wked n mie.
Bt when the mighty mie that aeady aking mystatin had been injeted with the new agent,thee was an effet.Thie mse mass gt 24 % me than thse nt injeted with the new agent. That tes that thee ae the payes than mystatin and that new agent an affet them.Bt we sti dnt knw it.
In 2006 Sientists at the Natina Institte f Athitis and Msskeeta and Skin Diseases fnd that the dg "tihstatin A (TSA)",whih is an inhibit f the enzyme deaetyase*, In tw mse mdes f msa dystphy (MD): ne that natay deveps a disease simia t Dhenne msa dystphy in hmans, the the genetiay ateed t devep a fm f dystphy simia t the hman imb-gide msa dystphy. At 45 t 90 days f age, the mses f the MD mie shwed mh fibs tisse and infitatin f infammaty es. nike heathy mie, the mie with MD wee nabe t eithe n n a teadmi swim. MD mie given TSA daiy f tw t thee mnths, hweve, wee vitay indistingishabe fm heathy mie, and biphysia stdies shwed vitay n diffeene between the mse stength f the mie with MD given the deaetyase inhibit and heathy mie.This TSA pegate FISTATIN whih is knwn as an inhibit f mystatin,s awing mse gwth.
In Jy 11 2007 ,an intesting findings appea, Sientist fnd that smking an inease the amnt f mystatin eve whih wi ate in ife deease the mse mass. s I eay advie anybdy t qit nw espeiay thse athetis.(smking as inease MAFbx enzyme,whih beaks dwn the mse ptein,)
As i said befe that fistatin is an inhibit t mystatin,s awing mse gwth,Bt a stdy eveaed in Ag 29 2007 shwed that Mie aking Mystatin with vepdtin Fistatin have 4 times as mh mses as nma mie !!.That wi make eseahes t k p f the payes that peate with mystatin.(I`m waiting f me spises!!)

In jan 23 2008,They fnd that mystatin is nedded f the tendns t be me fexibe and stng,s the sage f sh inhibits may ases injies.
"see the vide" n ytbe

ast mnth , stdies stat t take a k f hw benfit ae mystatin inhibits in impving imb injies.D. Hamik is enabing abaty stdies f tw expeimenta mystatin inhibits: a dey eept and a binding ptein.Bth inhibits have been shwn effetive in mse egeneatin, bt this is the fist tia that ks at thei impat n bne.
D. Hamik's ab as has fnd the eept n bne-deived stem es – needed t hep epai an injy – and thes have fnd it in heaing fates. "When y take it away, the heaed as that fms at the fate site has me bne in it," says D. Hamik. "Mystatin as ineases fibsis and saing within tisse s pat f what y ae ding is bking that."
Bne and mse heaing typiay g hand in hand. Mse pvides bd, gwth fats and ptentiay stem es f a heaing as. It's nt yet knwn hw we bnes eipate. "If y an impve mse heaing, y an impve bne heaing," D. Hamik says. "Yng pepe have a temends ptentia t hea that an be impved with bette appahes t peventing infetin and t heaing sft tisse and bne in an integated manne."
eseahes hpe t mve t inia tias in tw t thee yeas, D. Hamik says. "If we find the pimay e f mystatin is vey eay in the heaing pess and see a big jmp in expessin eay in a fate as, it may be that a singe injetin bs immediatey afte injy is the best time f teatment athe than ntined teatment ve a peid f time."
Mystatin is mst highy expessed ding devepment, bt adts have sme as we, s bking it sti faiitates mse gwth and devepment, pimaiy in espnse t exeise. Mystatin expessin as tends t ise fwing an injy, appaenty t nt pifeatin f new and egeneating es, D. Hamik says. Athgh thee is n FDA-appved mystatin inhibit, bdy bides ften take sppements that aim t ede mystatin fntin and hep bid mse.
A whe spetm f natay ing geneti vaiatins ikey est in min ateatins in mystatin signaing that d hep expain why sme pepe ae me msa than thes, D. Hamik ntes. In a sepaate stdy fnded by the Natina Instittes f Heath, he is sing a genetiay engineeed ‘mighty mse,' whih is missing the mystatin gene, t find the best way t ptimize bne gwth and hep yng pepe avid stepsis.

What is Mse dystphy ?
Msa dystphy is gp f geneti, heeditay mse disease that ase pgessive mse weakness.Msa dystphies ae haateized by pgessive skeeta Mse weakness, defets in mse ptiens, and the death f mse es and tisses.Nine diseases inding Dhenne, Beke, imb gide, ngenita, faisaphmea, mytni, phayngea, dista, and Emey-Deifss ae aways assified as msa dystphy bt thee ae me than 100 diseases in tta with simiaities t msa dystphy. Mst types f MD ae mti-system disdes with manifestatins in bdy systems inding the heat, GIT and nevs systems, endine gands, skin, eyes and the gans.
-----------------------------------------------------What is TSA ?
Tihstatin A is an gani mpnd that seves as an antifnga antibiti and seetivey inhibits the ass I and II mammaian histne deaetyase.
Histne tais ae nmay psitivey haged de t amine gps pesent n thei ysine and aginine amin aids. These psitive hages hep the histne tais t inteat with and bind t the negativey haged phsphate gps n the DNA bakbne. Aetyatin, whih s nmay in a e, netaizes the psitive hages n the histne by hanging amines int amides and deeases the abiity f the histnes t bind t DNA. This pess aws hmatin expansin, awing f geneti tansiptin t take pae. Histne deaetyase emves thse aety gps, ineasing psitive hages t the histne tais and enages high-affinity binding between the histnes and DNA bakbne. This pess ndenses DNA stte, peventing tansiptin.

What is My-029 ?
Stammab (MY-029) is an expeimenta mystatin inhibiting dg deveped by Wyeth Phamaetias f the teatment f msa dystphy.MY-029 is a embinant hman antibdy designed t bind t and inhibit the ativity f Mystatin.

I hpe y ike This Tpi, and i hpe i did wite it we.
waiting f y mments.

------------efeenes :

ياريت الادارة اذا حابه تنقل الموضوع تنسخه وتخلي منه نسخه هنا عشان طلبة الطب وشكرا
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:

مشكووور على الموضووع المفيييد بس ما عندك نسخة عربية لان الانقليش مو شاطرة فية مررررة BiggestSmie_1
مع اني وصلت لربع الموضووع بس نسختة عندي انشاء الله اكمل قراءتة .......Mai_1

والله انا كتبته بالانجليزي بس ممكن اكتبه بالعربي اذا حابة
بس المشكله احنا عشان الدراسة كلها انجليزي بتبقى صعبة اوي حكاية الترجمة دي
عموما اذا في حاجة عايزة تفهميها في الموضوع انا موجود

وشكرا على الرد والمرور عل الموضوع

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لا عاادي اقدر اترجمة بنفسي بس اهم شئ اني فهمتة
مشكوور على المووضوووع بجد مفييد

لا انا مش ناقله من موقع انا جايبه من كزا مصدر وجمعته وكتبته
والمصادر كلها عندك فوق وكلها انجليزية
انا سعيد انك استفتدي بيه اتمنى الجميع يستفيد


راااااائع موضوع فانتاستيك apMafis_1

اذا اكتملت هاي الابحاث رح يكون لها فوائد كتيير كبيره لقدام

متابعات مميزه دكتور

ولن ينقل الموضوع الى اي قسم

فالمواضيع الانجليزيه يجب ان تنقل لملتقى طلبة الطب لأنه لن يفهمها العامه في الاقسام المتخصصة

يعطيك الف عافيه

وبانتظار جديدك دوما

تقبل مروري Dt_1

مرورك وردك مشجعين جدا شكرا شكرا ليكي دكتور
انا كان ليا موضوع او اتنين تانين اتوقع بالانجليزي بس حاطيتهم في الاقسام التانيه
هنقلهم اوكيه

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ماشاء الله موضوع جدا رائع ومجهود تشكر عليه أخ Biiant
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