New Cannabis-like Drugs Could Block Pain Without Affecting Brain, Says Study

SieneDaiy (Sep. 14, 2008) — A new type f dg d aeviate pain in a simia way t annabis witht affeting the bain, ading t a new stdy

The eseah demnstates f the fist time that annabinid eepts aed B2, whih an be ativated by annabis se, ae pesent in hman sensy neves in the peiphea nevs system, bt ae nt pesent in a nma hman bain.

Dgs whih ativate the B2 eepts ae abe t bk pain by stpping pain signas being tansmitted in hman sensy neves, ading t the stdy, ed by eseahes fm Impeia ege ndn.

Pevis stdies have mainy fsed n the the eept ativated by annabis se, knwn as B1, whih was beieved t be the pimay eept invved in pain eief. Hweve, as B1 eepts ae fnd in the bain, taking dgs whih ativate these eepts an ead t side-effets, sh as dwsiness, dependene and psyhsis, and as eeatina abse.

The new eseah indiates that dgs tageting B2 eepts ffe a new way f teating pain in inia nditins whee thee ae enty few effetive safe teatments, sh as hni pain ased by steathitis and pain fm neve damage. It d as pvide an atenative teatment f ate pain, sh as that expeiened fwing sgia peatins.

The new stdy shwed that B2 eepts wk t bk pain with a mehanism simia t the ne whih piate eepts se when ativated by the pwef painkiing dg mphine. They hpe that dgs whih taget B2 might pvide an atenative t mphine, whih an have seis side effets sh as dependeny, nasea and vmiting.

Paveen Anand, Pfess f inia Negy and Pinipa Investigat f the stdy fm the Divisin f Nesienes and Menta Heath at Impeia ege ndn, said: ”Athgh annabis is pbaby best knwn as an iega eeatina dg, pepe have sed it f mediina ppses f enties. Qeen Vitia sed it in tea t hep with he peid pains, and pepe with a vaiety f nditins say that it heps aeviate thei symptms.

“ new stdy is vey pmising bease it sggests that we d aeviate pain by tageting the annabinid eept B2 witht asing the kinds f side-effets we assiate with pepe sing annabis itsef.”

The eseahes eahed thei nsins afte stdying hman sensy neve es in te with B2 eept mpnds pvided by GaxSmithKine, and as injed neves fm patients with hni pain.

The eseahes ae nw panning t ndt inia tias f dgs whih taget B2 in patients with hni pain at Impeia ege Heathae NHS Tst, whih has integated with Impeia ege ndn t fm the K's fist Aademi Heath Siene ente



Vey Hpef eseah
It d hange the whe teating ways esp.f hni diseases

thanx a t d.

waiting me


y`e weme D. Isa

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