Nursing care of Appendicitis

ases -
Symptms -
Diagnsis -
Teatment -
mpiatins -
Pints t emembe -
Hpe Thgh eseah -
F Me Infmatin

The appendix is a sma, tbe-ike stte attahed t the fist pat f the age intestine, as aed the n. The appendix is ated in the we ight ptin f the abdmen. It has n knwn fntin. emva f the appendix appeas t ase n hange in digestive fntin.

Appendiitis is an infammatin f the appendix. ne it stats, thee is n effetive media theapy, s appendiitis is nsideed a media emegeny. When teated pmpty, mst patients eve witht diffity. If teatment is deayed, the appendix an bst, asing infetin and even death. Appendiitis is the mst mmn ate sgia emegeny f the abdmen. Anyne an get appendiitis, bt it s mst ften between the ages f 10 and 30.

The appendix is a sma, tbe-ike stte attahed t the fist pat f the age intestine, as aed the n. The appendix is ated in the we ight ptin f the abdmen, nea whee the sma intestine attahes t the age intestine.
The ase f appendiitis eates t bkage f the inside f the appendix, knwn as the men. The bkage eads t ineased pesse, impaied bd fw, and infammatin. If the bkage is nt teated, gangene and pte (beaking teaing) f the appendix an est.

Mst mmny, fees bks the inside f the appendix. As, bateia via infetins in the digestive tat an ead t sweing f ymph ndes, whih sqeeze the appendix and ase bsttin. This sweing f ymph ndes is knwn as ymphid hypepasia. Tamati injy t the abdmen may ead t appendiitis in a sma nmbe f pepe. Genetis may be a fat in thes. F exampe, appendiitis that ns in famiies may est fm a geneti vaiant that pedispses a pesn t bsttin f the appendiea men.

Symptms f appendiitis may inde
pain in the abdmen, fist and the bey bttn, then mving t the we ight aea

ss f appetite



nstipatin diahea

inabiity t pass gas

w feve that begins afte the symptms

abdmina sweing

Nt eveyne with appendiitis has a the symptms. The pain intensifies and wsens when mving, taking deep beaths, ghing, sneezing. The aea bemes vey tende. Pepe may have a sensatin aed "dwnwad ge," as knwn as "tenesms," whih is the feeing that a bwe mvement wi eieve thei dismft. axatives and pain mediatins shd nt be taken in this sitatin. Anyne with these symptms needs t see a qaified physiian immediatey.

Pepe With Speia nens

Patients with speia nditins may nt have the set f symptms abve and may simpy expeiene a genea feeing f being nwe. Patients with these nditins inde

pepe wh se immnsppessive theapy sh as steids

pepe wh have eeived a tanspanted gan

pepe infeted with the HIV vis

pepe with diabetes

pepe wh have ane wh ae eeiving hemtheapy

bese pepe
Pegnant wmen, infants and yng hiden, and the edey have patia isses.

Abdmina pain, nasea, and vmiting ae me mmn ding pegnany and may may nt be the signs f appendiitis. Many wmen wh devep appendiitis ding pegnany d nt expeiene the assi symptms. Pegnant wmen wh expeiene pain n the ight side f the abdmen need t ntat a dt. Wmen in thei thid timeste ae mst at isk.

Infants and yng hiden annt mmniate thei pain histy t paents dts. Witht a ea histy, dts mst ey n a physia exam and ess speifi symptms, sh as vmiting and fatige. Tddes with appendiitis smetimes have tbe eating and may seem nsay seepy. hiden may have nstipatin, bt may as have sma sts that ntain ms. Symptms vay widey amng hiden. If y think y hid has appendiitis, ntat a dt immediatey.

de patients tend t have me media pbems than yng patients. The edey ften expeiene ess feve and ess sevee abdmina pain than the patients d. Many de adts d nt knw that they have a seis pbem nti the appendix is se t pting. A sight feve and abdmina pain n ne's ight side ae easns t a a dt ight away.

A patients with speia nens and thei famiies need t be patiay aet t a hange in nma fntining and patients shd see thei dts sne, athe than ate, when a hange s.

Media Histy and Physia Examinatin
Asking qestins t ean the histy f symptms and a aef physia examinatin ae key in the diagnsis f appendiitis. The dt wi ask many qestins—mh ike a epte—tying t ndestand the nate, timing, atin, patten, and seveity f pain and symptms. Any pevis media nditins and sgeies, famiy histy, mediatins, and aegies ae imptant infmatin t the dt. se f ah, tba, and any the dgs shd as be mentined. This infmatin is nsideed nfidentia and annt be shaed witht the pemissin f the patient.

Befe beginning a physia examinatin, a nse dt wi say mease vita signs: tempeate, pse ate, beathing ate, and bd pesse. say the physia examinatin peeds fm head t te. Many nditins sh as pnemnia heat disease an ase abdmina pain. Geneaized symptms sh as feve, ash, sweing f the ymph ndes may pint t diseases that wdn't eqie sgey.

Examinatin f the abdmen heps naw the diagnsis. atin f the pain and tendeness is imptant. Pain is a symptm desibed by a patient; tendeness is the espnse t being thed. Tw signs, aed peitnea signs, sggest that the ining f the abdmen is infamed and sgey may be needed: ebnd tendeness and gading. ebnd tendeness is when the dt pesses n a pat f the abdmen and the patient fees me tendeness when the pesse is eeased than when it is appied. Gading efes t the tensing f mses in espnse t th. The dt may as mve the patient's egs t test f pain n fexin f the hip (psas sign), pain n intena tatin f the hip (btat sign), pain n the ight side when pessing n the eft (vsing's sign). These ae vaabe indiats f infammatin bt nt a patients have them.


abaty Tests

Bd tests ae sed t hek f signs f infetin, sh as a high white bd e nt. Bd hemisties may as shw dehydatin fid and eetyte disdes. inaysis is sed t e t a inay tat infetin. Dts may as de a pegnany test f wmen f hidbeaing age (thse wh have ega peids).

Imaging Tests
X ays, tasnd, and mpted tmgaphy (T) sans an pde images f the abdmen. Pain x ays an shw signs f bsttin, pefatin (a he), feign bdies, and in ae ases, an appendiith, whih is hadened st in the appendix. tasnd may shw appendiea infammatin and an diagnse ga badde disease and pegnany. By fa the mst mmn test sed, hweve, is the T san. This test pvides a seies f ss-setina images f the bdy and an identify many abdmina nditins and faiitate diagnsis when the inia impessin is in dbt. A wmen f hidbeaing age shd have a pegnany test befe ndeging any testing with x ays.

In seeted ases, patiay in wmen when the ase f the symptms may be eithe the appendix an infamed vay fapian tbe, apaspy may be neessay. This pede avids adiatin, bt eqies genea anesthesia. A apaspe is a thin tbe with a amea attahed that is inseted int the bdy thgh a sma t, awing dts t see the intena gans. Sgey an then be pefmed apaspiay if the nditin pesent eqies it.

Ate appendiitis is teated by sgey t emve the appendix. The peatin may be pefmed thgh a standad sma inisin in the ight we pat f the abdmen, it may be pefmed sing a apaspe, whih eqies thee t f smae inisins. If the nditins ae sspeted in additin t appendiitis, they may be identified sing apaspy. In sme patients, apaspy is pefeabe t pen sgey bease the inisin is smae, evey time is qike, and ess pain mediatin is eqied. The appendix is amst aways emved, even if it is fnd t be nma. With mpete emva, any ate episdes f pain wi nt be attibted t appendiitis.

evey fm appendetmy takes a few weeks. Dts say pesibe pain mediatin and ask patients t imit physia ativity. evey fm apaspi appendetmy is geneay faste, bt imiting stens ativity may sti be neessay f 4 t 6 weeks afte sgey. Mst pepe teated f appendiitis eve exeenty and aey need t make any hanges in thei diet, exeise, ifestye.

Antibitis and the Teatments
If the diagnsis is netain, pepe may be wathed and smetimes teated with antibitis. This appah is taken when the dt sspets that the patient's symptms may have a nnsgia mediay teatabe ase. If the ase f the pain is infetis, symptms esve with intavens antibitis and intavens fids. In genea, hweve, appendiitis annt be teated with antibitis ane and wi eqie sgey.

asinay the bdy is abe t nt an appendiea pefatin by fming an absess. An absess s when an infetin is waed ff in ne pat f the bdy. The dt may hse t dain the absess and eave the dain in the absess avity f sevea weeks. An appendetmy may be sheded afte the absess is dained.

The mst seis mpiatin f appendiitis is pte. The appendix bsts teas if appendiitis is nt diagnsed qiky and ges nteated. Infants, yng hiden, and de adts ae at highest isk. A pted appendix an ead t peitnitis and absess. Peitnitis is a danges infetin that happens when bateia and the ntents f the tn appendix eak int the abdmen. In pepe with appendiitis, an absess say takes the fm f a swen mass fied with fid and bateia. In a few patients, mpiatins f appendiitis an ead t gan faie and death.

Pints t emembe
The appendix is a sma, tbe-ike stte attahed t the fist pat f the n. Appendiitis is an infammatin f the appendix.

Appendiitis is nsideed a media emegeny.

Symptms f appendiitis inde pain in the abdmen, ss f appetite, nasea, vmiting, nstipatin diahea, inabiity t pass gas, w-gade feve, and abdmina sweing. Nt eveyne with appendiitis has a the symptms.

Physia examinatin, abaty tests, and imaging tests ae sed t diagnse appendiitis.

Ate appendiitis is teated by sgey t emve the appendix.

The mst seis mpiatin f appendiitis is pte, whih an ead t peitnitis and absess.