parkinson disease

Pakinsn's disease

Pakinsn's diseaseassifiatin and extena eses
Istatin f the Pakinsn disease by Si Wiiam ihad Gwes fm A Mana f Diseases f the Nevs System in 1886Pakinsn's disease (as knwn as Pakinsn disease PD) is a degeneative disde f the enta nevs system that ften impais the sffee's mt skis, speeh, and the fntins.[1]
Pakinsn's disease bengs t a gp f nditins aed mvement disdes. It is haateized by mse igidity, tem, a swing f physia mvement (badykinesia) and, in exteme ases, a ss f physia mvement (akinesia). The pimay symptms ae the ests f deeased stimatin f the mt tex by the basa gangia, nmay ased by the insffiient fmatin and atin f dpamine, whih is pded in the dpaminegi nens f the bain. Senday symptms may inde high eve gnitive dysfntin and sbte angage pbems. PD is bth hni and pgessive.
Signs and symptms

[edit] Mt symptms

The adina symptms ae:[1]

* Tem: .
* igidity: .
* badykinesiaAkinesia: dyshythmi and deementa ss f ampitde.
* Psta instabiity: .
the mt symptms inde:

* Gait .

* Deeased am-swing.
* .
* Stped, fwad-fexed pste. In sevee fms, the head and ppe shdes may be bent at a ight ange eative t the tnk (amptmia). [3]
* .
* Dystnia .

* Speeh and swawing distbanes.

* Hypphnia: have tteed speeh.[4]
* Mntni speeh.
* Festinating speeh: exessivey apid, sft, py-inteigibe speeh.
* Ding: Dysphagia: impaied abiity t swaw. an ead t aspiatin, pnemnia.

* the mt symptms:

* Fatige (p t 50% f ases);
* Masked faes (a mask-ike fae as knwn as hypmimia), with infeqent binking;[5]
* Diffity ing in bed ising fm a seated psitin;
* Migaphia (sma, amped handwiting);
* Impaied fine mt dexteity and mt dinatin;
* Impaied gss mt dinatin;
* Akathisia, maintenane, physitheapy, .
[edit] evdpa

Staev f teatment f Pakinsn's disease

Tapne [35]

[edit] Dpamine agnists

The dpamine agnists bmiptine, pegide, pamipexe, pinie , piibedi, abegine, apmphine, and iside

[edit] MA-B inhibits

[edit] Sgey and deep bain stimatin


[edit] Neehabiitatin