Patient Rights And Responsibilities


Patient’s ights
a) The ight t nsideate ae, with f espet f patient’s dignity, egadess f natinaity, , age, sex, eigin, and disabiity (if any )

b) The ight t knw the name f the physiian, nses, and staff membes invved in the teatment

) The ight t be seen by the nstant within twenty f hs
fm admissin and n a ega basis afte that ding the
episde f admissin

d) The ight t knw the physiian in a angage that patient
ndestands a the infmatin abt the ase, diagnsis, and
the teatment pan any the insttins abt the fw – p

e) nvenient atmsphee shd be pvided whee patient an disss peny and in f nfidentiaity abt iness

f) T knw the easn f any test diagnsti pedes that wi be dne, and wh is ging t d them and the ight t knw the teatment and wh is ging t deive it

g) The ight t knw the nate and inheent isks f any pede t whih the patient has given nsent

h) The ight t efse signing the nsent fm f any test that he fees des nt have infmatin abt

i) The ight t hange his mind and t efse the test that have ageed pn

j) The ight t imit thse pesns wh wd visit a ding admissin, in adane with hspita piy and pede

j) The ight t efse teatment afte knwing and being awae f
the nseqene

) The ight t expet his pesna pivay t be espeted t the fest extent nsistent with the ae pesibed f

m) The ight t expet that a mmniatins and thes eds
petaining t be kept nfidentia

) The ight t btain any infmatin d ments, sh as media epts, sik eave, et. as d men ted in the media hat

) The ight t eqest nstatin send pinin fm the
physiian(s) thgh the teating nstant gided by the
hspita’s administative piy

p) The ight t eqest f a hange f physiians as pe hspita piy

q) The ight t hange tansfe t the hspita as pe piy

) The ight t efse t patiipate in Media Taining Pgam and eseah Pjets. And he she has the ight t withdaw at any stage, fm an n- ging eseah in whih the patient has been patiipating, witht the nseqenes that affets the ae given t him

s) The ight t be dishaged fm the hspita, against the physiian’s advie

t) The ight t hse the pesn wh wd epesent him in
signing the hspita d men ts inding eease f

) When dishaged fm the hspita, have the ight t have mediine pesiptins, fw- p appintment and a the infmatin and the taining needed t be abe t take ae f themseves at hme ( if ase eqies

Patient espnsibiities
a) T knw and fw the aw f Kingdm f Sadi Aabia and the hspita es and egatins as expained by the hspita staff

b) T pvide aate and mpete infmatin nening
the pesent mpaints, past inesses and hspitaizatins,
and the mattes eating t his he iness

) T make it knwn whethe he she eay mpehend the
se f the media teatment

d) T fw the teatment pan estabished by the physiian, inding the insttins f nses and the heath pfessinas as they ay t the dt’s de

e) Is espnsibe f the atins shd he efsed teatment nt fw the physiian’s de

f) T ntify the physiians, the Head Nse the Sia Wke epesentative f any dissatisfatin in egads t the ae at the hspita

g) Be nsideate f the ights f the patients and hspita
pesnne, and assist in the nt f nise, smking, and
the pssibe ses f nneessay distbane and

h) Shw espet and nsideatin f the patients, visits and hspita piities

i) Sign the infmed nsent f sgey, media inteventina pedes that may be needed ding admissin in ase he insisted t be dishages against media advise, and the fms eqested by the hspita

j) Be awae that the hspita is mmitted t high standads f ae and hspitaity f patients and thei famiies

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