Peptic Ulcer & Its Complications


السلام عليكم

pepti e & its mpiatins :

Pepti e is : msa eatin esin nea the aid beaing egin f the gastintestina tat.

Sites :
- Ddenm : 90 - 95% f ddena e in 1st ptin f ddenm.
- Stmah : me than 90% f e in esse vate.
- Esphags : in efx Esphagitis.
- Jejnm : in Zinge-Eisn syndme.
- Meke's divetim : whih ntains etpi gasti msa.

Etigy :
1- Heibate pyi:
it is the mst imptant fat in pepti e anting f 90% f ddena e and 70% f gasti e.
2- NSAIDs ( Nn Steida Anti Infammaty Dgs) : Aspiin & the NSAIDs damage the gasti msa and it is imptant fat in 30% f gasti e , and f vey sma ases in ddena e.
3 - Heedity
4 - Smking : it is an imptant isk fat , deease the ate f heaing & inease the isk f eene.

Signs & Symptms :

1- Pain :
*site : in Epigastm
haat : bining
adiatin : aized & pt an pint it with his finge ( pinting singn) , If the pain is adiating t the bak in inte sapa egin and nt espnding t antaids the antie dgs sggests pstei penteatin f e int paneas.
time f pain : sn afte eating ( within 15-30 min.) in gasti e whie in ddena e (within 2-3 hs ) afte eating that may be awake the pt at night.
eatin t fd : pt ae afaid t eat in gasti e de t eease f aid in espnse t fd that ase pain whie in ddena e pt get eief afte taking fd.
aggavating fats :
exesseive intake f ffe and tea
eieving fats :
antaids & mik
vmiting eie pain in gasti e
eating eief pain in ddena e
peids f pain :
pain me and ges in 2-3 mnths yes in gasti e
in ddena e episdes s with 4-6 mnths yes
datin f attak :
a few weeks in gasti e
a mnth tw in ddena e

2 - Vmiting

3 - Haematemasis
sme pt may mpain f nasea & etstena pain.

mpiatins :
- Hemhage : it in 15-25 % f patients
- Pefatin : fee pefatin int peitnea avity s in 2-3 % f patients
- Penetatin : extensin f e beynd the ddena wa int ntigs sttes ike paneas.
- Pyi bsttin

Investigatins :
1- Endspy : it is the pede f hie f diagnsis
2 - Baim mea (dbe ntast tehniqe).

Teatments :
1- H2 eept antagnists : they ae 1st hie f theapy
abt 80% f ddena e hea with 4 weeks se
ike : antidine - imitidine - famtidine - nizatidine
2 - Ptn Pmp Inhibits (PPIs) :
ike : mepaze - anspaze - pent paze

By: D.said

التعديل الأخير:


ww ...nie ...jamee awe ya beek
ysm edeeek
vey imptant sbjet
keep ging n :p

اهلا يادكتور .. كيفك ؟؟

موضوع جميل جدا .. سلمت يداك ..

لكن عندي تعليق بسيط ..

الــ Zinge-Eisn syndme هو عباره عن عدد من es .. سبب هذا المرض هو gasteinma ..

كل الود

ww mashaaah >>
g ahead >>