Poisoning first aid

Pisning fist aid

Definitin:Pisning ased by swawing, injeting, beathing in, thewise being expsed t a pisns sbstane.

nsideatins:Appximatey 2.5 miin pisnings ae epted t .S. pisn nt entes evey yea, with neay 1,000 epted fataities. The fist aid y give befe getting media hep an save a vitim's ife. In a pisning emegeny, immediate fist aid is itia.
It is imptant t nte that the absene f a waning n a pakage abe des nt neessaiy mean that the pdt is safe.
Sspet pisning if smene sddeny bemes sik f n appaent easn.
Sspet inhaatin pisning if the vitim is fnd nea a fnae, a a, a fie, in an aea that is nt we ventiated.
Symptms f pisning may take time t devep. Hweve, if pisning is sspeted, d nt wait f symptms t devep befe getting media hep.

ases:mmn ases inde:

* Mediines (sh as an aspiin vedse)
* Hsehd detegents and eaning pdts
* abn mnxide gas (fm fnaes, gas engines, fies, spae heates)
* Hsehd pants (eating txi pants)
* Paints (swawing inhaing fmes)
* Insetiides
* smetis (inety sed)
* Iiit dg vedse (aidenta intentina)
* patina hemia expses
* Fd pisning (sh as btism)
* Animas (expse t the txi sbstanes pded by sme animas)Symptms:Symptms vay ading t the pisn, bt may inde:

* Abdmina pain
* Bish ips
* hest pain
* nfsin
* gh
* Diahea
* Diffity beathing
* Dizziness
* Dbe visin
* Dwsiness
* Feve
* Headahe
* Heat papitatins
* Iitabiity
* ss f appetite
* ss f badde nt
* Mse twithing
* Nasea and vmiting
* Nmbness tinging
* Seizes
* Shtness f beath
* Skin ash bns
* Stp
* nnsisness
* nsa beath d
F pisning by swawing:

* hek and mnit the vitim's aiway, beathing and iatin. If neessay, begin ese beathing and P.
* Ty t make se that the vitim has indeed been pisned. It is nt aways bvis. Sme signs inde hemia-smeing beath, bns and the mth, diffity beathing, vmiting, nsa ds n the vitim. If pssibe, identify the pisn.
* ny inde vmiting if the pisn nt ente tes y t d s.
* If the vitim vmits, ptet the aiway. If y mst ea the vitim's aiway, wap a th and y finges befe eaning t his he mth and that. If the vitim has vmited a pant pat, save the vmits as it may aw identifiatin by an expet wh an then detemine an antidte.
* If the vitim stats having nvsins, ptet him he fm injy and give nvsin fist aid.
* easse the vitim and keep him he mftabe. Psitin the vitim n thei eft side whie getting awaiting media hep. If the pisn has spied n the vitim's thes, emve the thing and fsh the skin with wate.F inhaatin pisning:

* a f emegeny hep. Neve attempt t ese a vitim witht ntifying thes fist.
* If it is safe t d s, ese the vitim fm the dange f the gas, fmes, smke. Hd a wet th ve y nse and mth. pen windws and ds t emve the fmes.
* Take sevea deep beaths f fesh ai, then hd y beath as y g in.
* Avid ighting a math as sme gases may ignite.
* Afte esing the vitim fm dange, hek his he aiway, beathing, and iatin. If neessay, pefm ese beathing and P.
* As neessay, pefm fist aid f skin bns, eye injies (eye emegenies), nvsins (nvsin, fist aid).
* If the vitim vmits, ptet his he aiway.
* Even if the vitim seems pefety fine, get media hep.D Nt:

* D NT give an nnsis vitim anything by mth.
* D NT inde vmiting ness y ae td t d s by the Pisn nt ente a dt. A stng pisn that bns n the way dwn the that wi as d damage n the way bak p.
* D NT ty t netaize the pisn with emn jie vinega, any the sbstane, ness y ae td t d s by the Pisn nt ente a dt.
* D NT se any "e-a" type antidte.
* D NT wait f symptms t devep if y sspet that smene has been pisned.a immediatey f emegeny media assistane if:If smene has been pisned, y shd a immediatey f emegeny media assistane. a y a Pisn nt ente. See dment n pisn nt entes f teephne nmbes and addesses.


* Be awae f pisns in and and y hme. Take steps t ptet yng hiden fm txi sbstanes. Ste a mediines, eanes, smetis, and hsehd hemias t f eah f hiden, in abinets with hidpf athes.
* Be famiia with pants in y hme, yad, and viinity. Keep y hiden infmed, t. emve any nxis pants. Neve eat wid pants, mshms, ts, beies ness y knw what y'e ding.
* Teah hiden abt the danges f sbstanes that ntain pisn. abe a pisns.
* Dn't ste hsehd hemias in fd ntaines, even if they ae abeed. Mst nn-fd sbstanes ae pisns if taken in age dses.
* If y ae nened that indstia pisns might be pting neaby and wate, ept y nens t the a heath depatment the state fedea Envinmenta Ptetin Ageny


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