Renal Stone analysis

Stnes ae nt mpsed entiey f ne type f ysta. Ding peipitatin the sbstanes ae ften aied dwn with the peipitate. This is aed peipitatin and ants f the vaiety and impities f stnes. ve 200 diffeent mpnents have been fnd in anayzed stnes, bt the stnes ae assified by thei maj mpnent. This tabe shws the f basi types f stnes and what is in them.



aim xaate
i Aid
ystaized i Aid
Mg, P4, NH4
ystine (an amin aid ptein mnme)

Tabe 1. Basi Types f ena ai and Thei mpnents

aim xaate stnes ae say ased by hypeaiia hypexaia. This is basiay jst vepdtin ve absptin f aim xaate in the bdy. This happens as a est f abnmaities in metabi pesses and an be heeditay. Thiazide dietis and sma hanges in diet an effetivey pevent me stnes fm fming.
i aid stnes in highy aidi ine bease f massive ve exetin f inay i aid. It’s initiay teated by akaizing the ine with biabnate itate. Eating ess meat and fish an hep ede i aid eves. A mediatin aed apin as fights against high i aid nentatin in ine whih eads t stne fmatin.
Stvite stnes ae aed ‘infetin stnes’. A etain type f bateia that say invade the kidney afte a pesn has been taking antibitis f smething ases them. The best peventin against stvite stnes is t exeise atin in vese f antibitis. eent eseah has shwn that aethydxami aid an sw the fmatin f this type f stne.


ystine stnes ae vey ae. They ae ased by a geneti defet that is manifested in ystinia, a ptein tansfe disde in the kidneys. Thee ae n ea teatments f this nditin. Patients ae sppsed t dink an enms amnt f wate a the time t ede the inay ystine nentatin.( 7)

ases and inidene

Athgh the exat ase f ena ai is nknwn, pedispsing fats inde:
A-Dehydatin: Deeased ine pdtin nentates as-fming sbstanes.
B-infetin: Infeted, damaged tisse seves as a site f as devepment; pH hanges pvide a favabe medim f as fmatin (espeiay f magnesim ammnim phsphate aim phsphate ai); infeted ai (say magnesim ammnim phsphate staghn ai) may devep if bateia seve as the nes in as fmatin. Infetins may pmte desttin f ena paenhyma.
- bsttin: inay stasis (as in immbiity fm spina d injy) aws as nstitents t et and adhee, fming ai. bsttin as pmtes infetin, whih, in tn, mpnds the bsttin.
D- Metabi fats: These fats may pedispse t ena ai: hypepaathyidism, ena tba aidsis, eevated i aid (say with gt), defetive metabism f xaate, geneti defet in metabism f ystine, and exessive intake f vitamin D dietay aim.

Sme types f ai tend t be famiia; sme ae assiated with the nditins, sh as bwe disease, iea bypass f besity, ena tbe defets. aim ai ae mst mmn, anting f ve 75% f a ai, and ae tw t thee times me mmn in maes, say appeaing between ages 20 and 30. The aim may mbine with the sbstanes, sh as xaate (the mst mmn sbstane), phsphate, abnate, t fm the stne. xaate is pesent in etain fds. Diseases f the sma intestine inease the tendeny t fm aim xaate ai. eene is ikey. i aid ai ae as me mmn in maes and make p abt 6% f a ai. These ai ae assiated with gt and hemtheapy. ystine ai, whih make p abt 2% f a ai, may fm in pepe with ystinia, a heeditay disde affeting bth maes and femaes. Stvite ai, anting f abt 15% f a ai, ae mainy fnd in femaes as a est f a inay tat infetin (TI). They an gw vey age and may bstt the kidney, ete, badde. Indavi stnes appea in patients with hman immndefiieny vis wh ae teated with the ptease inhibit indinavi. ( 1,2 )


Diagnsis is based n the inia pite and the fwing tests:
❑ mpted tmgaphy san magneti esnane imagingae highy sensitive f identifying hydnephsis and deteting sma ena and etha stnes.
❑ Exety gaphy may be sed f diagnsis f bsttin by inay as.
❑ Kidney-ete-badde X-ays evea mst ena ai.
❑ as anaysis shws mineantent.(3, 4)


<H2 di=t stye="TEXT-JSTIFY: kashida; BAKGND: #f8fff; MAGIN: at 0m; TEXT-AIGN: jstify; TEXT-KASHIDA: 0%">Peventin

Peventive stategies inde dietay mdifiatins and smetimes as taking dgs with the ga f eding exety ad n the kidneys:

· Dinking engh wate t make 2 t 2.5 ites f ine pe day.
· A diet w in ptein, nitgen and sdim intake.
· Aviding exess Vitamin , espeiay Vitamin sppements.
· estitin f xaate-ih fds and maintenane f an adeqate intake f dietay aim. Thee is eqiva evidene that aim sppements inease the isk f stne fmatin, thgh aim itate appeas t ay the west, if any, isk.
· Taking dgs sh as thiazides, ptassim itate, magnesim itate and apin, depending n the ase f stne fmatin.
F thse patients inteested in ptimizing thei kidney stne peventin ptins, it's essentia t have a 24 h ine test pefmed. This shd be dne with the patient n his he ega diet and ativities. The ests an then be anayzed f abnmaities and apppiate teatment given. (3, 1 )


Symptms f kidney stnes inde:
iky pain: "in t gin". ften desibed as the "wst pain eve fet".
Hematia: de t damage t wa f ete and etha
Dysia: when passing stnes
igia: bsttin f badde etha by stne, extemey aey, simtanes bsttin f bth etes by a stne.
Naseavmiting: embygia ink with intestine — stimates vmiting ente ( 3


<H2 di=t stye="TEXT-JSTIFY: kashida; BAKGND: #f8fff; MAGIN: at 0m; TEXT-AIGN: jstify; TEXT-KASHIDA: 0%">Mateia &eagent

-fite pape -10 %( wv) KH<H2>-Baane -itms pape

-Fine saw -niti aid

-Hand ens -2N ammnim hydxide

-patinm fi -2N NaH

-2N H -5% (wv) sdim yanide

-side &ve sip -5 %( wv) sdim nitpsside

-Paste pipette

as anaysis

<H2 di=t stye="TEXT-JSTIFY: kashida; BAKGND: #f8fff; MAGIN: at 0m; TEXT-AIGN: jstify; TEXT-KASHIDA: 0%">Peiminay examinatin


1-Wash the stne with wate t emve any bd attahed tisse

2-Dy n a fite pape

3-Detemine the weight f stne

4-t the stne in t tw eqa pats sing a fine saw

Nte a-afte step 1 the extena appeaane (singe mtipe , gh, smth, mbey, hned, waxy)

b-afte step 4 if the setin shws a nes the distintive aeas then anayse these sepaatey , If the stne has a hmgenes appeaane then the pwde fm the saw t is ften sffiient f the sbseqent anayses.


Shemef mbimed qaitative and qantitative anaysis f ai

Pwdeed stne

Qaitatative test Qantitative test

1.Heat n patinm fi 1.aim

2.abnnae &xaate ins 2.Magnesim

3.i aid 3.Phsphate in

4.Ammnim in 4.xaate



Fig..shame f mbimed

<H2 di=t stye="TEXT-JSTIFY: kashida; BAKGND: #f8fff; MAGIN: at 0m; TEXT-AIGN: jstify; TEXT-KASHIDA: 0%">1-Heat n a patinm fi


Heat a sma qantity f pwde t a d ed heat n a patinm fi. (say mst ai ntain sme gani matte)

A:-If a depsit emains afte heating, this indiates the pesene f ingani sats

B:-The absene f a depsit afte heating indiates the pesene f i aid, ystine me aey xanthine , fibin fays

:-Anayse fame &sme qantitativey as desibed

a-ystine bns with pae be fame having a shap sme

b-fibin with a yew fame having a sme f bnt feathes

-i aid, ammnim ate & xanthine bn with t pding a fame


<H2 di=t stye="TEXT-JSTIFY: kashida; BAKGND: #f8fff; MAGIN: 5pt -25.7pt 5pt -18pt; TEXT-AIGN: jstify; TEXT-KASHIDA: 0%">2 2 - abnate and xaate ins


2N H ve sips

Pwdeed stne ash mispe side

Fig. 3. Tehniqe f the detetin f sma qantities f 2


1-pae a sma qantity f the pwdeed stne at ne end f a mispe side

2-At the the end f the side pae a sma qantity f the ash emaining afte

heating n a patinm f ve the sampes with tw gass mispe ve sips

3-pae a dp f 2N H at the edge f eah vesip with a paste pipette

esteWhen add a few dps f 2N H t a sma ptin f the pwdeed stne .An effevesene shws the pesene f abnate & this , in tn , sggests the pesent as a abnate-apatite in inay ai

.If any ash emains afte heating n a patinm fi then add a few dps f 2N H t the eside. Any effevesene at this pint when thee was nne befe heating shws the pesene f xaate.

Nte This test depends pn the nvesin f aim xaate t aim abnate

. Pnged heating f the ash shd theefe be avided sine these ests in the nvesin f aim abnate t aim xaate &the atte dse nt effevese with aid.


<H2 di=t stye="TEXT-JSTIFY: kashida; BAKGND: #f8fff; MAGIN: 5pt -25.7pt 5pt -18pt; TEXT-AIGN: jstify; TEXT-KASHIDA: 0%">3 3-i aid (mexide test)


Add tw thee dps f nentated niti aid t a sma amnt f the pwdeed stne a peain evapating dish and evapating t dyness by heating n a wate bath vey aefy ve a sma fame. The test is psitive if a ed yew esides emains whih hanges t ppish ed n ing and adding a dp f 2n ammnim hydxide stin. Xanthine des n t give a mexide test. It dissves in niti aid eaving yew eside whih hanges t ange n the additin f akai and t ed n waming.

<H2 di=t stye="TEXT-JSTIFY: kashida; BAKGND: #f8fff; MAGIN: at 0m; TEXT-AIGN: jstify; TEXT-KASHIDA: 0%">4-ammnim in


Heat a itte f the pwdeed stne with 10%(w\v) ptassim hydxide stin Evtin f ammnia shws the pesene f magnesim ammnim phsphate (tipe phsphate) me aey ammnim ate ammnia may be hding a piee f damp ed itms pape at the mth f the test tbe

<H2 di=t stye="TEXT-JSTIFY: kashida; BAKGND: #f8fff; MAGIN: at 0m; TEXT-AIGN: jstify; TEXT-KASHIDA: 0%">5- ystine


Dissve a sma ptin f the pwdeed stne in 1m f 2N H. Add 1m f NaH t netaize, fwed by 1 m f 5 %( wv) sdim yanide stin. Aw t stand f a few minte, then add a few dps f 5 %( wv) sdim nitpssside stin .A stng magenta indiates the pesents

f ystine.


Qantitative Anaysis

The main eements & adias f inteest ae aim, magnesim, ingani phsphate, & xaate .Fm a knwedge f these nstitents it is pssibe t aate the mpsitin f a stne in tems f aim xaate, aim phsphate, & magnesim ammnim phsphate.

Dissve 20 mg f pwdeed stne in 2 m f 50% (vv) H, with waming, & dite t 10 m with wate in a vmeti fask (stin A). This stin is sed f a the sbseqent deteminatins. aim, magnesim, & ingani phsphate an be detemined by standad pedes &exampes ae given bew. The xaate adia an as be detemined by a simpe pemanganate titatin, pvided that etain peatins ae taken whih ae desibed bew.


aim may be detemined by atmati imety sing esphthaein mpex ne as indiat & & 8-hydxyqinine t sppess magnesim intefeene (Tehnia At Anayze methd N-3b).Atenativey aim an be detemined by atmi absptin spetphtmety sing anthanm hide t veme the sppessin f aim absptin by phsphate in.

Magnesim Magnesim is mst nvenienty detemined by atmi absptin spetphtmety

Ingani phsphate Ingani phsphate an be detemined manay by the phsphmybdate methd by atmati imety.

xaateMix 1 m f the dissved stne (stin A) with 2 m f 2N H2S4 .Add ne dp f an aqes stin f 5%(wv) MnS4, heat t between 70 and 80 , and titate apidy with 0.01N Kmn4.A nt sampe f pwdeed aim xaate (20 mg) when teated in the same manne shd give a evey f 99 t 100% afte awing f titatin banks (1 m f 0.01N KMn4 is eqivaent t 0.45 mg f xai aid) aim xaate ais


Mixed Bie Pigments (Biiay)
aim xaate Mnhydate w Apatite nids
aim abnate

Tiamteene & Metabites
aim itate

Ammnim Aid ate ve i Aid nids
aim xaate Dihydate ensting Mnhydate
heste (Biiay)
Apatites w aminae f taaim Phsphate

aim xaates with sme i Aid & Apatites
aim xaate Mnhydate iegay aminated with Apatites
i Aid

aim xaate Mnhydate (Mmmy Stne – appx 800 AD)
Iegay aminated xaates & Apatites
Magnesim Phsphate Hydate
aim xaate Mnhydate depsited ve Apatites


efeenes and ntes

1. ^ Ed Edesn. "Kidney Stne Shk Wave Teatment Bsts Diabetes, Hypetensin isk - Stdy sggests ink, bt dts say it's t eay t abandn this theapy", HeathFinde, Natina Heath Infmatin ente.
2. ^ Gdfab DS, e F (1999, Nvembe 15). "Peventin f eent nephithiasis". Am Fam Physiian 60 (8): 2269-76. PMID 10593318.
3. ^ dman, Jhn, S (May, 1997). "N Me Kidney Stnes". Peventin.
4. ^ han G, Wiett W, imm EB, Spiegeman D, Stampfe MJ (1996, Febay 1). "Pspetive Stdy f Beveage se and the isk f Kidney Stnes". Am J Epidemigy 143 (3): 240-247. PMID 8561157.
5. ^http:ajpena.physigy.ggintentabstat2752F255 aim xaate ystaizatin expeiment

7-Bwn, aie, Anayses f the In Viv ystaizatin f aim xaate, nine.


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