Rheumatoid Arthritis

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اعضاء طبيب دوت كوم

اهلا وسهلا بكم بمنتدى كلية التمريض التي يسرها تقديم كل ماهو جديد ومفيد

لاعضائها الكرام

تقدم اليكم عن مرض HEMATID ATHITIS

بالتفصيل مع الخطة التمريضية المتبعة

تمنياتنا ان ينال على رضاكم

ودمتم بالف صحة وعافية


اعداد وتنفيذ مركز التديب و التعليم

A is a hni infammaty disease that affets jints and the gan systems. A affets 0.5% t 1% f the ppatin wdwide.
Pathphysigy and Etigy

* Immngi pesses est in infammatin f synvim, pding antigens and infammaty by-pdts that ead t desttin f atia atiage, edema, and pdtin f a gana tisse aed panns

* Ganatin tisse fms adhesins that ead t deeased jint mbiity.
* Simia adhesins an in sppting sttes, sh as igaments and tendns, and ase ntates and ptes that fthe affet jint stte and mbiity.
* The etigy is nknwn bt is pbaby a mbined effet f envinmenta, epidemigi, infetis, and geneti fats.
* An infetis agent has nt been identified, bt many infetis pesses an pde a pyathitis simia t A.
* Wmen ae affeted me feqenty than men.

inia Manifestatins

* Athitis

* Biatea, symmeti athitis affets any diathdia jint, bt mst mmny invves the hands, wists, knees, and feet

* Skin manifestatins

* hematid ndes : ebws, ipt, sam.
* Vasiti hanges : bwn, spinteike esins in finges nai fds.

* adia manifestatins

* Ate peiaditis.
* ndtin defets.
* Vava insffiieny.
* nay ateitis.
* adia tampnade : ae.

* Pmnay manifestatins

* Asymptmati pmnay disease.
* Pea effsin, peisy.
* Intestitia fibsis.
* ayngea bsttin ased by invvement f the iaytenid jint ae.

* Negi manifestatins

* Mnneitis mtipex : wist dp, ft dp.
* apa tnne syndme.
* mpessin f spina neve ts.
* Dista sensy nepathy

* the manifestatins

* Feve.
* Fatige.
* Weight ss.
* Episeitis

Diagnsti Evaatin

* mpete bd nt (B) : nmhmi, nmyti anemia f hni disease; may as have in defiieny anemia (hyphmi, miyti).
* F : psitive in 70% t 80% f patients with A.
* ES and -eative ptein : eevated de t ative infammatin.
* Synvia fid anaysis
* X-ays : hanges devep within 2 yeas.

* Handswists : magina esins f the pxima intephaangea (PIP), metaapphaangea, and apa jints; geneaized stepenia.
* evia spine : esins that pde atantaxia sbxatin.

* Magneti esnane imaging (MI) : t detet spina d mpessin that ests fm 1 t 2 sbxatin and mpessin f snding vasa sttes.
* Bne san : ineased ptake in the jints invved in A.
* Synvia bipsy.

* Infammaty es assiated with A.
* Exdes the ases f pyathitis by nting the ak f the pathgi findings.


* NSAIDs t eieve pain and infammatin.
* DMADs t ede disease ativity.

* Mntheapy mbinatin f de agent, sh as methtexate hydxyhqine, with newe agent, sh as tm nesis fat (TNF) inhibit bigi agent.
* mbinatin f TNF inhibit and methtexate has shwn geate benefit in impving signs and symptms, pevent adigi deteiatin f the jint, and impve physia fntin in mpaisn with mntheapy.
* Ga is t have ng-tem impat n the jint.

* tisteids t ede infammaty pess.
* a mft meases:

* Appiatin f heat and d.
* se f spints.
* se f tanstanes eetia neve stimatin (TENS) nit.
* Intphesis deivey f mediatin thgh the skin sing diet eetia ent.

* Nnphamagi mdaities:

* Behavi mdifiatin.
* eaxatin tehniqes.

* Sgey:

* Synvetmy.
* Athdesis jint fsin.
* Tta jint epaement.


* ss f jint fntin bease f bny adhesins and damage f sppting sttes 7% f patients beme disabed within 5 yeas f nset; 32% annt wk afte 10 yeas.
* Anemia f hni disease.
* Fety's syndme : netpenia, spenmegay, and defmity; s in 1% f patients

Nsing Assessment

* Pefm jint examinatin if indiated, inding whih jints affeted; M f eah jint; pesene f heat, edness, sweing, and pssibe jint effsin.
* Nte pesene f defmities:

* Swan nek : PIP jints hypeextend.
* Btnniee : PIP jints fex.
* na deviatin : finges pint twad na.

* Assess pain sing a pain measement sae sh as the visa anag sae (10 m staight ine sed 0 t 100; patient makes a mak indiating intensity f pain).
* Assess fntina stats sing the Ameian ege f hematgy : evised iteia f assifiatin f gba fntina stats.

* ass I : mpetey abe t pefm sa ativities f daiy iving (ADs).
* ass II : abe t pefm sa sef-ae and vatina ativities, bt imited in avatina ativities.
* ass III : abe t pefm sa sef-ae ativities, bt imited in vatina and avatina ativities.
* ass IV : imited abiity t pefm sa sef-ae, vatina, and avatina ativities.

* Assess f adheene t teatment pan, any mpementay methds sed, and any advese eatins t mediatins.

Nsing Diagnses

* hni Pain eated t disease pess
* Impaied Physia Mbiity eated t pain and imited jint mtin
* Dessing Gming Sef-ae Defiit eated t imitatins senday t disease pess
* Ineffetive ping eated t pain, physia imitatins, and hniity f A


Nsing Inteventins
nting Pain

* Appy a heat d t affeted jints f 15 t 20 mintes, thee t f times pe day. Avid tempeates ikey t ase skin tisse damage by heking tempeate f wam saks by veing d paks with a twe.
* Administe teah sef-administatin f phamagi agents.

* Advise patient when t expet pain eief, based n mehanism f atin f the dg.

* Enage se f adjntive pain nt meases.

* Pgessive mse eaxatin.
* Bifeedbak.
* Meditatin.
* Apnte simia theapies.

ptimizing Mbiity

* Enage wam bath shwe in the mning t deease mning stiffness.
* Enage meases t ptet affeted jints.

* Pefm gente M exeises.
* se spints.
* Assist with ADs if neessay.

* Enage exeise nsistent with degee f disease ativity.
* efe t physia theapy and patina theapy.

Pmting Sef-ae

* Pvide pain eief befe sef-ae ativities.
* Pvide pivay and an envinment ndive t pefmane f daiy ativities.
* Shede adeqate est peids.
* Disss imptane f pmting the patient's sef-ae at an apppiate eve with patient and famiy.
* Hep patient attain apppiate assistive devies, sh as aised tiet seats, speia eating tensis, and zippe ps. ntat patina theapist, sia wke, Athitis Fndatin f infmatin.

Stengthening ping Skis

* Be awae f ptentia jb, hid-ae, hme maintenane, and sia and famiy fntining pbems that may est fm A.
* Enage patient t vaize pbems and feeings.
* Assist with pbem-sving appah t expe ptins and t gain nt f pbem aeas.
* einfe effetive ping mehanisms.
* efe t sia wke menta heath nse as needed.

Patient Edatin and Heath Maintenane

* Instt patient and famiy in the nate f disease.

* hni nate f A with haateisti exaebatins and emissins with time.
* Disease an have systemi affets that est in nstittina symptms and invvement f the gan systems.
* Seveity f A is vaiabe, bt mst patients ae nt nfined t bed wheehai.
* A has n e; avid miae es.

* Edate abt phamagi agents.

* Mediatin mst be taken nsistenty t ahieve maximm benefit.
* Mst mediatins sed in the teatment f A eqie peidi abaty testing t mnit f ptentia advese effets.
* Advise patient f pssibe advese effets f mediatins and need t ept advese effets t heath ae pvide.
* Advise patients t disss the se f any mpementay atenative theapies with thei heath ae pvide.
* einfe t patient the need f ifeng teatment.

* Ding peids f emissin, enage patient t exeise egay, hsing an ativity that is inexpensive, nvenient, enjyabe, and nt dependent n the weathe. Sggest daning, ma waking, se f statinay biye in the hme, ntating the a YMA abt speia pgams f athitis.
* Evaatin: Expeted tmes

* epts edtin in pain
* Weas wist spints ety and pefms ange-f-mtin exeises twie pe day
* Maintains independent tiety, bathing, and feeding
* Vebaizes nens abt eaning and king; meets with patina theapist