robotic surgery

Definitin f: bti sgey

sing bts in the peating m t assist the sgen in pefming sgey. The sgen views the patient via a temina and manipates bti sgia instments via a nt pane. Views f the gans being wked n ae tansmitted fm tiny ameas
inseted int the bdy

Sh bts ae nsideaby ess invasive than nma peating m pedes bease the instments an be inseted int mh smae inisins in the hman bdy. This type f "apaspi" sgey means ess pain and ess saing, and patients eve mh faste

Sine the patient and sgen ae sepaated by an eetni nse, it as enabes "teesgey," whih aws the sgen t pefm the peatin in a emte atin