Scientists Turn Human Skin Cells Into Insulin-producing Cells

eseahes at the nivesity f Nth aina at hape Hi Sh f Mediine have tansfmed es fm hman skin int es that pde insin, the hmne sed t teat diabetes.

The beakthgh may ne day ead t new teatments even a
e f the miins f pepe affeted by the disease, eseahes say.
The appah invves epgamming skin es int piptent stem es, es that an give ise t any the feta adt e type, and then inding them t diffeentiate, tansfm, int es that pefm a patia fntin – in this ase, seeting insin.
Sevea eent stdies have shwn that es an be etned t piptent state sing "defined fats" (speifi pteins that nt whih genes ae ative in a e), a tehniqe pineeed by D. Shinya Yamanaka, a pfess at Kyt nivesity in Japan.
Hweve, the N stdy is the fist t demnstate that es epgammed in this way an be axed t diffeentiate int insin-seeting es. ests f the stdy ae pbished nine in the Jna f Bigia hemisty.
"Nt ny have we shwn that we an epgam skin es, bt we have as demnstated that these epgammed es an be diffeentiated int insin-pding es whih hd geat theapeti ptentia f diabetes," said stdy ead ath Yi Zhang, Ph.D., Hwad Hghes Media Institte investigat, pfess f bihemisty and biphysis at N and membe f the inebege mpehensive ane ente.
"f se, thee ae many yeas f additina stdies that ae eqied fist, bt this stdy pvides hpe f a e f a patients with diabetes," said Jhn Bse, M.D., Ph.D., pesident f the Ameian Diabetes Assiatin and pfess and hief f the endingy divisin in the N Sh f Mediine's depatment f mediine.
Abt 24 miin Ameians sffe fm diabetes, a disease that s when the bdy is nabe t pde se insin ppey. Vitay a patients with type I diabetes, the me sevee f the tw types, mst ey n daiy injetins f insin t maintain thei bd sga eves.
eent eseah exping a pssibe ng-tem teatment – the tanspantatin f insin-pding beta es int patients – has yieded pmising ests. Bt this appah faes its wn haenges, given the exteme shtage f mathed gan dns and the need t sppess patients' immne systems.
The wk by Zhang and the eseahes d ptentiay addess thse pbems, sine insin-pding es d be made fm diabeti patients' wn epgammed es.
Zhang is abating with Bse t btain skin sampes fm diabetes patients. He said he hped his ent expeiments wi take this appah ne step se t a new teatment even a e f diabetes.
The eseah was fnded by the Hwad Hghes Media Institte and the Natina Instittes f Heath. Stdy -aths inde pstdta fews Keiske Tateishi, M.D.; Jin He, Ph.D.; ena Taanva, Ph.D.; Ana . D'Aessi, Ph.D.; and gadate stdent Gayang iang, a fm the N Sh f Mediine's depatment f bihemisty and biphysis

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an sme bdy te what is that ???????
what is that
what `e ya tying t say ha

I have aqestin abt this sbjet
any ne knw what is the meaning f stem es des it mean embygia es anthe type
and des skin es and insine pding es have mmn igin