smooking and oral health

smking and a heath1. Des smking make me ess attative?• Smkes have nattative mths. Nn-smkes ae atey awae f being se t a smke. • Smking ases nattative bwn stains n teeth. • These stains ae nt easy t emve witht pfessina hep. • Smking ases bad beath. • A mbinatin f bad beath and stained teeth annt be nsideed attative! The smke Staining + gm disease Nitine stains 2. Is thee a diet nnetin between tth ss and smking?• Ading t eseah dne in the .S.A., smkes ae twie as ikey t se thei teeth as nn-smkes. • Smking eads t gm disease, whih shinks the avea bne. This ests in tth ss. 3. Hw an smking ead t the ss f teeth?• Smking has a detimenta effet n a hygiene. Smking heps t bid p paqe n teeth, whih ases gm disease. The eeding gms wi be ed and swen. se f tba is thght t estit the fw f bd t the gms. This an have a diet effet n the gms, asing gm disease. This is ahieved by peventing ntients fm eahing the tisses and the teeth. The sppting bne wi as eede and the tth wi beme se. se teeth eithe fa t have t be extated. Gm disease 4. Why shd I give p smking?• Giving p smking edes the isk f ane, tth ss and the a nditins: Mst imptanty, giving p smking edes the pssibiity f heat disease. Y beath wi be feshe. Y mth wi taste sweete. Nitine stains that have been pfessinay emved wi nt e. Smkes may as devep a nditin aed nitini stmatitis.It is an infammatin f the mth that is nt anes. It is istated bew. Nitini stmatitis 5. Is thee a diet nnetin between smking and a ane?• The nnetin has been pved beynd any dbt: Smking an ase ane in the mth, the espiaty system anywhee ese in the bdy. Smking is the main ase f ane in the mth and that. Exessive ah se tgethe with smking ineases the isk f ane. eseah in the .S.A. indiates that 75% f a ane is ased by a mbinatin f smking and ah. Smkes with a ane ae me ikey t die f the disease than nn-smkes with a ane. Expse t the sn's ays and t X-ays in mbinatin with smking is thght t ase ane f the mth and ips. Bete-nt hewing, tgethe with tba se, is nsideed t be ane fming. 6. Hw des smking ase a ane?• "Thee is evidene that smking sppesses the immne system, and this may be ne f the ways in whih smking ats as a maj isk fat in a ane." .S. Sgen Genea ept Tba ntains aingeni sbstanes. The mst damaging sbstane is in the tba ta. epakia is ased by smking. It is seen as aised white pathes mth ses, and is a pe-anes nditin. ane may devep fm these smking-inded mth ses. These pbems ae mpnded by a mbinatin f smking and ah. Ah heps these aingeni sbstanes t penetate the a tisses. epakia 7. Des iga pipe smking as ase a ane?• Smking tba in any fm an ase ane. This indes igas, pipes and igaettes. • Bease the ht pipe stem ests n the we ip, this is ften whee pipe smkes get ane. • Mth anes n the ips, the tnge and the f f the mth ip ane ane f the tnge 8. Des the se f ah aggavate the effets f smking?• A mbinatin f ah and tba smke ae thght t inease the isk f a anes. • Ah heps the aingeni sbstanes in tba smke t penetate the tisses. 9. Is hewing tba taking snff a safe fm f tba se?• Tba-se is aingeni. • hewing tba (spit tba), snff and a tba pdts ae thght t ase ane.

شكرا توفي ولله عاشت ايدك in14;بلكت وشويا يعرفون اضرار التدخين fwn1;وخصوصا احنا ناس اجتماعين ومن نعرف ان تدخين راح ممكن يحرجنا كدام الناسeyes1; لان يسبب امراض في الفم الذي ميسكت من حجيin10;in10; بلكت يبطلونin7;

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