Sugar is NOT evil!

Sga is NT evi!
Sga at nma meatimes des amst n damage t the teeth whatseve bease the expse t the sga is nt pnged and the the fds y ae eating at the same time tend t wash the sga ff the teeth. Fesh fit is aey a pbem even thgh it ntains nata sgas bease f the detesive (washing) effet f the fit fibes.

Thee is N sientifi evidene that sga wi ase diseases the than tth deay ness y ae a diabeti. Nmes nted stdies have shwn that dietay sga is nt assiated with an inease in the inidene f heat disease, ane, atimmne diseases the hni media pbems. N wi tting sga t f y diet pevent diseases the than tth deay. T mh sga, f se, an ntibte t besity, bt in mdeatin, sga is a pefety heathf fd. Even type 2 diabetes is nt ased by sga. The pepe wh get it have a geneti pedispsitin t it (it is ased by genes and ns in the famiy). Eating sweets the wng kinds f fd des nt ase diabetes, ink 2, ink 3. Type 2 diabetes is tiggeed in genetiay sseptibe individas by besity, ak f exeise and ineasing age. Pesns with the geneti pedispsitin and wh fit the age, besity and exeise pfie may devep a esistane t insin. The eepts n es in the bdy that nmay espnd t the atin f insin fai t be stimated by it de t a geneti vaiatin in the smati eepts. This is knwn as insin esistane. In espnse t this, me insin may be pded, and this ve-pdtin exhasts the insin-manfating es in the paneas. Type 2 diabetis an ften avid the symptms by eding deeting sga fm thei diet and ineasing exeise. The nfsin in the pbi's mind between the ase f the disease (genetis), and the effet that sga has n pesns wh have the disease is the igin f the myth that sga is the ase f type 2 diabetes.

gd i ike this

شكرا نمر


thank samadakhateeb


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