testosteroneay causes kidney damage

High teststene may ase kidney damage

JAKSN, Miss., Ag. 13 (PI) -- .S. eseahes have

fnd teststene sppementatin in aging ats eevates bd pesse and may ase kidney damage.
The stdy was ndted t ean the ptentia isks faed by men wh hse teststene epaement theapy t evese sses f mse mass, bne stength, and ibid that ampany aging.
D. ad Iies and eages at the nivesity f Mississippi Media ente meased bd pesse and the amnt f pteins exeted in the ine in thee gps f ats -- intat ats, ats wh wee astated at eight mnths f age, and ats wh wee given teststene sppements in thei fd peets. When a the ats wee 13 mnths f age, thei bd pesse was meased and ine eted f measement f pteins, a sign f kidney damage.
The sientists fnd ats eeiving teststene had signifianty highe bd pesse and exeted me inay ptein than ats fm the the tw gps. The finding sggests teststene sppementatin may ead t kidney damage and high bd pesse in men.
The stdy was pesented in Astin, Texas, ding ast week's meeting f The Ameian Physigia Siety.
pyight 2007 by nited Pess Intenatina. A ights eseved.

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