Toilet Training

:) Tiet Taining

ne I have engh eadiness signas and ne I have spent at east ne week in the pe-tiet taining phase, y an begin tiet taining. Thee ae seven basi steps t tiet taining. I shd maste and fee mftabe with eah step befe mving nt the next. The time fame pesented is meant ny as a gideine, s pease be patient with me.

Week ne

Step 1. Keep a nning ist f when I inate have a bwe mvement. This wi hep y identify my eiminatin patten. Impement steps 2 and 3 whie y et this infmatin.

Step 2. asay intde me t my ptty. Pt the ptty in the bathm and wait f me t inqie abt it. This gives me nt ny the e f initiat bt as a sense f nt. It as avids a negative espnse t y initiating the pess--"N, I n wanna see ptty."

Step 3. Have me sit n the ptty sevea times a day with my thes n. This wi get me int the habit f sitting n the ptty in a nn-stessf manne. Enage me t sit n the ptty by pviding a speia ativity t d, f exampe, paying with a bw f age shes dawing n a hakbad. T keep the ativity desiabe t me, ny aw it when I sit n the ptty. Engaging in an ativity wi keep me fm beming tense and bed whie I sit n the ptty.

Week Tw

Step 4. Enage me t sit n the ptty sevea times a day with my pants and diape ff. The ga f me at this pint is t beme mftabe sitting n the ptty, my skin against pasti. A gd time t pt me n the ptty is se t the time I say inate have a bwe mvement (fm infmatin gatheed in Step 1). A nata time is at bath time, when my thes ae aeady ff. If I inate have a bwe mvement whie I am n the ptty, make a big dea t f it and give me paise.

Week Thee

Step 5. F a bk f time eah day, eave my diape and pants ff. This wi hep me ean that "peepee and pp" me fm me. The nge the time the bette, bt a minimm f 30 mintes is best. Aidents wi , s y shd think aefy abt whee y wi and wi nt aw me t wande. When y take my diape ff expain that big bys and gis g "peepee and pp" in the ptty. Shw me whee my ptty is, and te me t sit n the ptty when I have t g "peepee pp." easse me that y wi hep me and then aw me pay. If I am sessf, paise me and psitivey einfe me. If I sit n the ptty and ty t g, bt dn't, sti paise me f tying. When I have an aident simpy say: "h, h. Y had an aident. et's ean it p. Maybe next time y' get y "pp" in the ptty." Typiay, a yng hid wi have many aidents in the beginning. Gaday the aidents wi deease and sesses wi emege. emain in step 5 nti I have had 10 sesses.

Week F ( Five Six...)

Step 6. Tansitin me int taining pants and then ndewea. Fist, have me wea taining pants a the time instead f a diape. It may take a pe f mnths f taining befe I an g a few days witht having an aident. When I an d this, et me wea ndewea instead f taining pants.

Week Seven ( Eight Nine...)

Step 7. Tansfe the tieting fntins that y ae nw pefming ve t me. This indes pshing pants and ndewea dwn, getting n the tiet, getting the ight amnt f tiet pape, wiping ean fm fnt t bak, ptting tiet pape int the tiet, getting ff the tiet, ping p ndewea and pants, fshing the tiet, and washing and dying hands.
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