tooth extraction

tth extatin

1. Why mst a gd bd t fm afte a tth has been extated?
2. What is dne t stp the beeding afte an extatin?
3. What peatins an be taken afte the extatin?
4. What an be dne abt faia sweing afte an extatin?
5. What is dy sket?
6. What ae the symptms f dy sket?
7. Hw des it happen?
8. What is the teatment f dy sket?

1. Why mst a gd bd t fm afte a tth has been extated?
· It is vey imptant f a gd bd t t fm afte a tth has been extated.
It ats as a bandage ve the expsed bne in the sket and assists the heaing pess.

2. What is dne t stp the beeding afte an extatin?
· Y dentist wi pae a wadقطعه f ttn w and gaze ve the sket f y t bite n.
This shd stp the beeding.
Thee may be a sight seepage f a few hs, bt this wi pass.
If the beeding des nt stp, te y dentist.

3. What peatins an be taken afte the extatin?
· ae needs t be taken afte an extatin t pevent the bd t fm beming infeted disdged:
D nt inse y mth n the day f the extatin.
The bd t wi have a bette hane f staying in pae t assist the heaing.
Gente insing an begin the day afte the extatin.
Make se that y inse a fd t f the sket. Fd eft in the sket may pevent heaing by beming infeted.
Dn't smke f a few days. It may inhibit the heaing pess.

4. What an be dne abt faia sweing afte an extatin?
· An ie pak an be appied t the swen pat f the fae.
This an be epeated feqenty f sht peids at a time.

5. What is Dy Sket?
· Dy sket is an infetin f the sket afte an extatin.
The dy sket gets its name fm the nditin, in whih thee is nt engh beeding t fm a t.
The denta tem f it is an steitis f the sket, whih means an infetin f the bne in the sket.
It is as knwn as a "septi" sket, whih is a bette desiptin than "dy" sket.
The we mas ae affeted me ften than the teeth.

6. What ae the symptms f dy sket?
· Pain may stat tw t f days afte the extatin.
The pain fees ike a tthahe bt it is mh me sevee than the igina tthahe.
It an be exiatingy painf.

7. Hw des it happen?
· Dy sket mes abt in the fwing way:
Heaing annt take pae witht the fmatin f a bd t.
Thee may be insffiient beeding t aw the t t bid p. This des smetimes happen afte an extatin.
insing t sn may disdge the t pevent it fm fming ety.
The bd may beak dwn, eaving the bne in the sket expsed.
This an happen if the patient is n bd thinning mediatin.
Y need t infm the dentist if y ae n this teatment.
An infetin f the sket an fw a diffit extatin, the extatin f a tth with an absess.

8. What is the teatment f dy sket?
· The dentist wi attend t the nditin:
A paste ntaining an anagesi tgethe with an antisepti antibiti, an be paed int the sket.
In additin t paking the sket with a dessing, the dentist may pesibe a sepaate antibiti anagesi, bth.
The teatment may need t be epeated nti heaing is nde way, and the pain has stpped

مع خالص حبي وتقديري الكم

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