Ultrasound ... CTS-3300


Pdt feates:

Digita Imaging Tehngy

Badband Mti-feqeny Pbe

Digita Image Stage

Abndant Appiatin Sftwae

10-inh High estin Mnit


siuiThe TS-3300 is a BW digita tasnd imaging system. It has steamine appeaane, gd image estin, stabe pefmane and pwef fntins. It is adaptabe in vais envinments, inding inis and hspitas. Advaned Tehngy:

By fwing SII's taditina peise manfate pess, the TS-3300 inpates advaned digita imaging tehngy and adpts mpnents sh as spe age-sae ASI, pgammabe FPGA and PD with age memy. The system is stabe in pefmane and eiabe in qaity.

High Density, Badband, Tipe-feqeny Pbes:

The system is nfiged with high density, badband, mti-feqeny pbes. Pbe feqeny an be swithed qiky by pessing ne nse bttn ny, enabing dts t seet the ight feqeny f speifi diagnsis and patients. Image estin and penetatin is signifianty ptimized.

Image Stage and mmniatin:

Images an be sted and diety tansmitted t a mpte, ths t eaize digita image management.

Egnmi Design:

age ine memy: t apte fast-mving inf and enabe aate diagnsis

Bakit keybad: gd f dak m peatin

Nn-inteaed mnit: fike fee, peeptive t detais

Additina tey: pefet math f the system

f me infmatin ntat me n pvt msg

4D tasnd TS-5000
see the vide

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