Vaccines for adults: Which do you need

Wnde whih vaines y need? It an be nfsing, espeiay if y thght y wee t d f vaines. se the ist bew t find t whih vaines y shd have nw and whih vaines may be ming p — based n emmendatins fm the entes f Disease nt and Peventin.
N. 1: Seasna infenza (f)

* Wh needs it. Get the f vaine if y'e age 50 de, y have a hni iness a weak immne system, y wk in a heath ae setting, y ive in a ng tem ae faiity, y ive with ae f anyne at high isk f f-eated mpiatins — inding hiden age 5 ynge — y'e any age and simpy want t ede y isk f getting the f. The f vaine is as emmended f pegnant wmen — make se y get the f sht, thgh, and nt the nasa spay vaine.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f the f vaine evey yea, ideay in tbe Nvembe.
* Wh shdn't have it. The f vaine isn't emmended if y'e aegi t eggs, y had an aegi eatin t a pevis f vaine y'e enty i. nst y dt if y've eve had Giain-Bae syndme.

N. 2: Pnemnia

* Wh needs it. Get the pnemnia (pnema) vaine if y'e age 65 de, y have a hni iness a weak immne system, y've had y speen emved.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f the pnemnia vaine at any time. Y may need a send dse if y'e age 65 de and eeived y fist dse befe age 65 and five yeas me ag, y have a weak immne system kidney disease, y had an gan bne maw tanspant, y had y speen emved.
* Wh shdn't have it. The pnemnia vaine isn't emmended if y had an aegi eatin t a pevis pnemnia vaine y'e enty i.

N. 3: Tetans, diphtheia and petssis

* Wh needs it. Get the mbined tetans, diphtheia and petssis (Tdap) vaine if y'e age 19 t 64 and had y ast tetans vaine me than 10 yeas ag, y have a wnd ikey t beme infeted and y ast tetans vaine was five me yeas ag, y have se ntat with infants, y jst gave bith and haven't had a Tdap vaine, y might beme pegnant. Get a tetans-diphtheia (Td) bste if y'e age 65 de and had y ast tetans vaine me than 10 yeas ag.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f Tdap if y neve finished the tetans-diphtheia (Td) seies dn't knw if y eve had the Td vaine. Get a send dse f weeks afte the fist dse. Get a thid dse six t 12 mnths afte the send dse. If y'e age 19 t 64 and de f a Td bste bt haven't pevisy eeived Tdap, get ne dse f the Tdap vaine at any time. Get a Td bste evey 10 yeas.
* Wh shdn't have it. The Tdap vaine isn't emmended if y had an aegi eatin t a pevis dse f the Td Tdap vaine, y'e pegnant, y expeiened a ma seizes within seven days f a pevis petssis vaine, y'e enty i. nst y dt if y have epiepsy y've had Giain-Bae syndme.

N. 4: Meningitis

* Wh needs it. Get the meningitis (meninga) vaine if y didn't have it as a hid adesent and y'e iving in a dmity f the fist time, y tave t wk in pats f the wd whee meningitis is mmn, y had y speen emved. The vaine may as be emmended if y'e at high isk an tbeak s in y mmnity.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f the meningitis vaine at any time.
* Wh shdn't have it. The meningitis vaine isn't emmended if y'e enty i. nst y dt if y've had Giain-Bae syndme.

N. 5: hikenpx (vaiea)

* Wh needs it. Get the hikenpx vaine if y've neve had hikenpx (espeiay if y ive with smene wh has a weak immne system), y aen't se whethe y've had hikenpx, y'e nsideing pegnany and dn't knw if y'e immne t hikenpx.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f the hikenpx vaine at any time. Get a send dse f t eight weeks afte the fist dse.
* Wh shdn't have it. The hikenpx vaine isn't emmended if y have a weak immne system, y'e pegnant, y might beme pegnant within f weeks f having the vaine
* .

N. 6: Meases, mmps and bea

* Wh needs it. Get the mbined meases-mmps-bea (MM) vaine if y wee bn ding afte 1957 and neve had an MM vainatin.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f the MM vaine at any time. Get a send dse f weeks afte the fist dse if y wee eenty expsed t meases an tbeak s in y mmnity, y'e a heath ae wke, y wee vainated with a kied meases vaine an nknwn type f vaine fm 1963 t 1967, y tave feqenty, y'e a ege stdent, y had a bea bd test that shws n immnity.
* Wh shdn't have it. The MM vaine isn't emmended if y wee bn befe 1957, y have a weak immne system, y'e pegnant, y might beme pegnant within f weeks f having the vaine.

N. 7: Hman papimavis

* Wh needs it. Get the hman papimavis (HPV) vaine if y'e a wman age 26 ynge and y didn't have it as an adesent. nside the HPV vaine if y'e a man age 26 ynge. F men, the HPV vaine heps pevent genita wats.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f the HPV vaine at any time. Get a send dse tw mnths afte the fist dse, and a thid dse six mnths afte the fist dse.
* Wh shdn't have it. The HPV vaine isn't emmended if y'e aegi t bake's yeast, y had an aegi eatin t a pevis dse f the vaine, y'e pegnant y'e enty i.

N. 8: Hepatitis A

* Wh needs it. Get the hepatitis A vaine if y want t ptet ysef fm hepatitis A, y have a tting-fat disde hni ive disease, y'e a man wh has sex with the men, y injet iiit dgs have sex with smene wh des, y'e a heath ae wke wh might be expsed t the vis in a ab setting, y tave t wk in pats f the wd whee hepatitis A is mmn.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f the hepatitis A vaine at any time. Get a send dse six t 18 mnths afte the fist dse.
* Wh shdn't have it. The hepatitis A vaine isn't emmended if y had an aegi eatin t a pevis dse f the vaine y'e enty i.

N. 9: Hepatitis B

* Wh needs it. Get the hepatitis B vaine if y'e sexay ative bt nt in a mtay mngams eatinship, y'e a man wh has sex with the men, y have sex with a pesn infeted with hepatitis B, y injet iiit dgs, y'e eeiving hemdiaysis, y'e a heath ae pbi safety wke wh might be expsed t infeted bd bdy fids, y ive with smene wh has a hni hepatitis B infetin.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f the hepatitis B vaine at any time. Get a send dse ne mnth afte the fist dse. Get a thid dse at east tw mnths afte the send dse and at east f mnths afte the fist dse.
* Wh shdn't have it. The hepatitis B vaine isn't emmended if y'e aegi t bake's yeast, y had an aegi eatin t a pevis dse f the vaine, y'e enty i.

N. 10: Hepes zste (shinges)

* Wh needs it. Get the shinges vaine if y'e de than age 60.
* When t have it. Get ne dse f the shinges vaine at any time.
* Wh shdn't have it. The shinges vaine isn't emmended if y'e pegnant, y'e enty i, y had an aegi eatin t geatin, the antibiti nemyin any the mpnent f the shinges vaine, y have a weak immne system fm HIVAIDS, y'e eeiving media teatments sh as steids, adiatin hemtheapy, y have a histy f bne ymphati ane, y have ative, nteated tbesis.