Viral hepatitis

ate and hni via hepatitis ae mmn and seis infetins haataized by infammatin f the ive paenhyma.
via hepatitis is ased by five we haataized hepattphi vises temed hepatitis A, B, , D and E vises. eentay hepatitis F and G ae disveed. the inia pite f the infetin vaies fm asymptmati sbinia infetin t symptmati with mid digestive tat symptms, ate iness with jandie, seve pnged jandie t ate fminant hepatitis. infetins ased by hepatitis B and vises may be assiated with a pesistent aie state and these fms f infetins may pgess t hni ive disease, wih may be seve. thees as a stng assiatin between hepatitis B and infetins and hepatea ainma. the vises may be ase hepatitis sh as yew feve, ytmegavis, epstien-ba vis, bea and hepes simpex vis.

1st. Hepatitis A vis (HAV):a
Famiy: pinaviidae
Size: abt 27nm
Nea aid: ss-NA
te f tansmissin: via fea a te e.gntaminated fd and dink
Inbatin peid: 15-50 day
Symptms: say the infetin is asymptmati
Diagnsis: segy e.g EISA, P... by detetin f speifi via antibdies i.e anti HA-antibdies
Teatment: hman Igs ding inbatin peid wi pevent the disease
Peventin: by vainatin, aviding the te f tansmissin f the infitin e.g pesna hygiene
HAV infitin shw highest inidene hiden f sh age*

2nd. Hepatitis Bvis (HBV):b
Famiy: thhepadna vises
Size: 42nm
Nea aid: dsDNA
te f tansmissin: paentea i.e via bd tansfsin, sexa tansmissin, fm mthe t he
Inbatin peid: 50-150 day
Symptms:maaise, fatige, nasea, vmiting, abdmina pain, diahea nstipatin, fwed by jandie
Diagnsis: -ive fntin test: HBV infetin disteb hepati fntin and eevate pasma ive enzymes (AT) & (AST
ive bipsy-
segy:f detetin HB- antigens and antiHB-antibdies-
Teatment:intefen afa, amivdine, ibaviin
Peventin: by vainatin, aviding the te f tansmissin f the infitin
HBV infitin shw high ate f hniity *

3d. Hepatitis vis(HV):
Famiy: favivises
Size: 50nm
Nea aid: NA
te f tansmissin: paentea
Inbatin peid: 40-70 days
Symptms: say the infitin is asymptmati bt asinay pesents with mid symptms ike jandie and the gastintestina symptms
Diagnsis: segy e.g EISA, P
Teatment: intefen afa beta ps ibaviin
peventin: N vaine. an be by aviding te f tansmissin e.g safe bd tansfsin, diagnsis and teatment f infeted
HV shw 80% hniity *

4th. Hepatitis d vis(HDV):d
Famiy: deta vises
Size: 30-50nm
Nea aid: ssNA
te f tansmissin: a-fea te
Inbatin peid: 30-50 days
Symptms: simia t symptms f HBV infitin
Diagnsis: segy e.g EISA, P
Teatment:simia t HBV infitin teatment
HDV infitin ny in individas with HBI *
peventin: anbe by teating f HBV infitin

5th. Hepatitis E vis(HEV):e
Famiy: aiviidae
Size: 34nm
Nea aid: ssNA
te f tansmissin:fea-a te
Inbatin peid: 30-50 day
Symptms: headahek, feve, nasea, vmitng, diahea, jandie
Diagnsis: segy e.g P, EISA
Teatment:Teatment is spptive
nt: pesna hygiene
HEV infitin assiated with high mtiity ate in pegnany *


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