انفلونزه الخنازير-h1n1 - بحث شامل

Dr Aleen

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أنفلونزه الخنازير H1N1
بحث قام به فريق طلاب التوعية الصحية بالقصر العيني
Stdents f Heath Awaness

Swine F-H1N1

Feqenty Asked Qestins Abt 2009 H1N1 F Vis pdated May 1, 2009
The eent tbeak f a new stain f H1N1 infenza amng pepe in Nth Ameia has heightened awaeness f this type f infenza mmny aed "swine f," and has aised feas f a 2009 H1N1 f epidemi even a pandemi. These qestins and answes ae based n what is enty knwn abt the vis, and wi be pdated as we get new infmatin
The swine f is ffiiay pandemi and WH (Wd Heath ganizatin) annned aet 5 in Egypt.

Q: What is swine f

A: Swine f is a espiaty disease ased by type A infenza vis that egay ases tbeaks f infenza in pigs. The "assia" swine f vis (an infenza type A H1N1 vis) was fist isated fm a pig in 1930. Swine f vises ase iness in pigs, bt the death ates ae w. This new vis, athgh it is being aed "swine f," is nt the same
Q: Hw des this vis diffe fm bid f

A: The 2009 H1N1 f vis is an entiey diffeent vis than the bid f y've been heaing abt in the news. Amng these diffeenes is that hmans infeted with bid f wee infeted by diet ntat with sik bids, and this new vis is
nt spead by ntat with animas.

Q: Did this f me fm pigs
an I ath it fm pigs
A: Athgh this new infenza was iginay abeed as a "swine f," it is being spead fm pesn t pesn, nt fm pigs t pepe. Nne f the .S. ases had ntat with pigs. In additin, n .S. pigs have been fnd t be infeted with this f stain. At this time, we dn't knw exaty whee the vis ame fm. The entes f Disease nt and Peventin (D), Pan Ameian Heath ganizatin (PAH) and the Wd Heath ganizatin (WH) ae investigating the ases.

Q: Hw did the new vis devep? Whee did it me fm

A: In genea, infenza vises mmny stik t ne speies when it mes t infetin; f exampe, dgs and ats dn't get seasna f fm thei wnes. Hweve, nde the ight nditins, infenza vises fm diffeent speies ae apabe f mixing and swapping DNA (this is aed e-asstment), esting in a new vis. Swine f an mege with the infenza vises, sh as avian hman f, t pde new stains. The 2009 H1N1 f vis nsists f Nth Ameian swine infenza vises, Nth Ameian avian infenza vises, hman infenza vises and swine infenza vises
fnd in bth Asia and Epe.

Q: an my pet get the 2009 H1N1 vis

A: T date, thee is n evidene that pets ae sseptibe t this new stain f infenza; it appeas t be tansmitted sey fm pesn t pesn.

Q: Thee ae fea pigs in my aea. an they spead the 2009 H1N1 vis
A: Sine this vis hasn't been fnd in pigs, fea pigs ae nt ikey t ath spead the disease. Hweve, they an spead the diseases, and it is best t avid ntat with them—this ges f y and y animas. Fea pigs ae best eft t the ppe athities t hande, s ntat y a anima nt ffie if y need t ept a fea pig pbem.

Q: I keep heaing the wds "pandemi" and "epidemi." What d they mean, and what is the diffeene?
A: An epidemi is a maked ise in disease in an aea. This new vis is etainy asing an epidemi. This is nt nsa f a new vis—bease pepe have nt been expsed t the vis befe, thei immne systems aen't eady t fight it ff, and me pepe beme i. The SAS epidemi f 2003 is an exampe. A pandemi is ike an epidemi that's expanded t a age aea. In mst ases, "pandemi" is sed t desibe a wd-wide epidemi f disease. The 1918 Spanish f and the Bak Page ae exteme exampes f pandemis. Keep in mind, thgh, that a pandemi desn't neessaiy mean miins f deaths—it means a widespead epidemi.

Q: Wi this beme a pandemi
A: That emains t be seen. The apppiate espnses ae
atin and ineased awaeness, nt pani

Dr Aleen

Q: Hw shd I ptet mysef fm getting the 2009 H1N1 vis

-stay away fm nfined pbi paes
(wded smky bs, et)

Stay away fm sia kissing, se handshakes

Stk p n any itia mediatins y y ved
nes nsme egay

-Stay away fm Shisha.

-ve y nse and mth with a tisse when y gh sneeze, then dispse f the tisse—f and d gems ae spead mainy by pesn-t-pesn ntat and the ghing sneezing f infeted pepe.
-Wash y hands ften with sap and wate, espeiay afte y gh sneeze.

. Q: an I get the 2009 H1N1 vis fm eating pk
A: N. Thee ae n epted ases f the 2009 H1N1 f vis in pepe fm eating pk. This new vis is nt a fd-bne disease. Hweve, gd fd hygiene is aways emmended
t ptet ysef and y famiy fm disease.

Q: Ae thee mediines t teat infetin with this new vis? Yes. D emmends the se f setamivi Zanamivi f the teatment and peventin f infetin with these new infenza A (H1N1) vises. Antivia dgs ae pesiptin mediines (pis, iqid an inhae) that fight against the f by keeping f vises fm epding in y bdy.

Q: Waning signs
A: If y beme i and expeiene any f the fwing waning signs, seek emegeny media ae. In hiden emegeny waning signs that need gent media attentin inde:

Fast beathing tbe beathing

Bish gay skin

Nt dinking engh fids

Nt waking p nt inteating

Being s iitabe that the hid des nt want t be hed

F-ike symptms impve bt then etn with feve and wse gh

Feve with a ash
In adts, emegeny waning signs that need gent media attentin inde:

Diffity beathing shtness f beath

Pain pesse in the hest abdmen

Sdden dizziness


Sevee pesistent vmiting


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Dr Aleen

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