سلسلة الأدوية 10

amidane hydhide
(a mee ' da ne)
dane, Paene

Pegnany ategy D

Dg asses
Adenegi bke (nt sed as sympathyti agent)

Theapeti atins
Type III antiahythmi: ats diety n adia e membane; pngs epaizatin and efaty peid; ineases ventia fibiatin theshd; ats n peiphea smth mse t deease peiphea esistane

· ny f teatment f the fwing dmented ife-theatening eent ventia ahythmias that d nt espnd t the antiahythmis when atenative agents ae nt teated: eent ventia fibiatin, eent hemdynamiay nstabe ventia tahyadia. Seis and even fata txiity has been epted with this dg; se atenative agents fist; vey sey mnit patient eeiving this dg.
· nabeed ses: teatment f efaty sstained paxysma atia fibiatin and paxysma spaventia tahyadia; teatment f symptmati atia ftte.

ntaindiatins and atins
· ntaindiated with hypesensitivity t amidane, sins nde dysfntin, heat bk, sevee badyadia, hypkaemia, atatin.
· se atisy with thyid dysfntin, pegnany.

Avaiabe fms
Tabets--200, 400 mg; injetin--50 mgm

aef patient assessment and evaatin with ntina mniting f adia espnse ae neessay f titating the dsage. Theapy shd begin in the hspita with ntina mniting and emegeny eqipment n standby. The fwing is a gide t sa dsage.
· ading dse: 800–1,600 mgday P in divided dses, f 1–3 wk; ede dse t 600–800 mgday in divided dses f 1 m; if hythm is stabe, ede dse t 400 mgday in ne t tw divided dses f maintenane dse. Adjst t the west pssibe dse t imit side effets.
1,000 mg IV ve 24 h--150 mg ading dse ve 10 min, fwed by 360 mg ve 6 h at ate f 1 mgmin; maintenane infsin: 540 mg at 0.5 mgmin ve 18 h. May be ntined p t 96 h nti hythm is stabe. Swith t a fm as sn as pssibe.
Safety and effiay nt estabished.

2–3 days
3–7 h
6–8 h
20 min

Metabism: Hepati; T12: 10 days, then 40–55 days
Distibtin: sses paenta; passes int beast mik
Exetin: Bie and fees

IV fats
Pepaatin: D nt se PV ntaine. Dite 150 mg in 100 m D5W f apid ading dse (1.5 mgm). Dite 900 mg in 500 m D5W f sw infsins (1.8 mgm). Ste at m tempeate and se within 24 h.
Infsin: Infse ading dse ve 10 min. Immediatey fw with sw infsin f 1 mgmin 33.3 mh. Maintenane infsin f 0.5 mgmin 16.6 mh an be ntined p t 96 h. se f an infsin pmp is advised.
Inmpatibiities: D nt mix with aminphyine, efamande, efazin, meiin, hepain, sdim biabnate; d nt mix in stin with the dgs.

Advese effets
· NS: Maaise, fatige, dizziness, tems, ataxia, paesthesias, ak f dinatin
· V: adia ahythmias, ngestive heat faie, adia aest, hyptensin
· EENT: nea midepsits (phtphbia, dy eyes, has, bed visin); phthami abnmaities inding pemanent bindness
· Endine: Hypthyidism hypethyidism
· GI: Nasea, vmiting, anexia, nstipatin, abnma ive fntin tests, ive txiity
· espiaty: Pmnay txiity--pnemnitis, infitates (shtness f beath, gh, aes, wheezes)
· the: Phtsensitivity, angiedema

· Ineased digitais txiity with digxin
· Ineased qinidine txiity with qinidine
· Ineased painamide txiity with painamide
· Ineased feainide txiity with amidane
· Ineased phenytin txiity with phenytin, ethtin, mephenytin
· Ineased beeding tendenies with wafain
· Ptentia sins aest and heat bk with beta-bkes, aim hanne-bkes
Dg-ab test
· Ineased T3 eves, ineased sem evese T3 eves

Nsing nsideatins
Name nfsin has ed with aminne (name has nw been hanged t inaminne, bt nfsin may sti ); se atin.

· Histy: Hypesensitivity t amidane, sins nde dysfntin, heat bk, sevee badyadia, hypkaemia, atatin, thyid dysfntin, pegnany
· Physia: Skin , esins; efexes, gait, eye exam; P, BP, astatin, ntins EG mniting; , adventitis snds, baseine hest x-ay; ive evaatin; ive fntin tests, sem eetytes, T4, and T3

· Mnit adia hythm ntinsy.
· Mnit f an extended peid when dsage adjstments ae made.
· Mnit f safe and effetive sem eves (0.5–2.5 mgm).
· Dses f digxin, qinidine, painamide, phenytin, and wafain may need t be eded ne-thid t ne-haf when amidane is stated.
· Give dg with meas t deease GI pbems.
· Aange f phthamgi exams; eevaate at any sign f pti nepathy.
· Aange f peidi hest x-ay t evaate pmnay stats (evey 3–6 m).
· Aange f ega peidi bd tests f ive enzymes, thyid hmne eves.

Teahing pints
· Dg dsage wi be hanged in eatin t espnse f ahythmias; y wi need t be hspitaized ding initiatin f dg theapy; y wi be sey mnited when dsage is hanged.
· These side effets may : hanges in visin (has, dy eyes, sensitivity t ight; wea sngasses, mnit ight expse); nasea, vmiting, ss f appetite (take with meas; sma, feqent meas may hep); sensitivity t the sn (se a snseen ptetive thing when tds); nstipatin (a axative may be deed); tems, twithing, dizziness, ss f dinatin (d nt dive, peate danges mahiney, ndetake tasks that eqie dinatin nti dg effets stabiize and y bdy adjsts t it).
· Have ega media fw-p, mniting f adia hythm, hest x-ay, eye exam, bd tests.
· ept nsa beeding bising; feve, his; inteane t heat d; shtness f beath, diffity beathing, gh; sweing f ankes finges; papitatins; diffity with visin.

Advese effets in Itai ae mst mmn; thse in Bd ae ife-theatening.