
y_1ارجو المساعدة جزاكم الله خير ويوفقكم دنيا والاخرة
عند اختبار بكرة صيدلانيات وانا مافهم شى لان الدكتور يشرح شرح حتى المتخرجين مايفهمون
وهذة المذكرات(مادري وشئ اذاكر لاني باقي المستوى3)

n Sspensin means the dispesin f finey divided, insbe sid paties (the dispesin phase) in a fid (the dispesin medim). Mst f the phamaetia sspensins nsist f an aqes dispesin medim, it may be gani iy iqid.
nThee ae tw types sspensins:
nida sspensin: when the mean patie diamete f the dispesed phase is p t 0.5 µm.
nase sspensin: when the paties ae abve ida size (i.e. abve 0.5µm)

nPhysia ppeties f a we-fmated sspensin:

n1-The sspensin mst emain sffiienty hmgens f at east the peid between shaking the ntaine and emving the eqied dse.

n2-The sediment pdt n stage mst be easiy esspended by agitatin.

n3-If the sspensin eqied t be thikened; its vissity mst nt be s high that emva f the dses fm the ntaine and tansfe t the sits f appiatin is diffit.

n4-The sspended paties shd be sma and nifmy sized in de t give a smth, eegant pdt fee fm gitty texte.

nPhamaetia appiatin f sspensin:

n1) If the dg is insbe py sbe in a sitabe svent then fmatin is say eqied t be in sspensin.

nExampe: eye dps f hydtisne and nemyin ae avaiabe as sspensin bease f thei p sbiity in a sitabe svent.

n2) The degadatin f dg may in the pesene f wate, s, it may be pssibe t synthesize an insbe deivative whih an be pepaed as sspensin.

nExampe:xytetayineH d be pepaed by sspending its aim sat in a sitabe aqes vehie.

n3) Dgs whih degade in aqes medim may be sspended in nn-aqes vehie.

nExampe:Phenxymethypeniiine is sspended in nt i and as, tetayine H in the same base f phthami se.

n4) Pnged ntat between the sid dg paties and the dispesin medim an be eded by pepaing the sspensin pi t administatin.

nExampe:Ampiiine is pvided by the manfate as the base the tihydatemixed with the the ingedients. The phamaist adds wate immediatey befe se. The sitabe shef ife is abt 7 days at m tempeate, and 14 days in a efigeat.


n5) Sme mateias ae eqied t be pesent in the GIT in a finey divided fm, and thei fmatin as sspensin wi pvide the desied high sfae aea.

nExampe:Kain, Mg. abnate and Mg. tisiiate whih ae sed f the adsptin f txins and t netaize hypeaidity.

n6) The taste f dg is me ntieabe if in stin than if in a sspensin.

nExampe:Paaetam sspensin is me paatabe than Paaetam Eixi BP, and, as, hamphini mixte in sspensin ae me paatabe than stin.

n7) Sspensin f dg an be fmated f tpia appiatin.

nExampe:aamine tin BP, whih eaves a ight depsit f the ative agent n the skin afte the evapatin f the dispesin medim.

n8) Sspensin an as be fmated f paentea administatin, in de t nt the ate f absptin f the dg.

nThe dg may be sspended in fixed i, sh as aahis sesame i, and afte injetin, it is pesent in the fm f i gbe in the tisse fid fming a sma sfae aea f dg eease.

n9) Vaines, whih ae sed f the indtin f immnity, ae ften fmated as sspensin.

n A-Dispesin f kied miganisms, as in hea Vaine.
n B-The nstitent txids, adsbed n aminim hydxide, as in diphtheia and tetans vaine.

n10) Sme X-ay ntast media ae fmated in sspensins.
n1- Baim sphate, f examining the aimentay tat f eta a administatin.
n2- Ppyidne, dispesed in wate aahis i f examining the bnhia tat.
nFmatin f Sspensins

n1) Patie size nt:
n The dg t be sspended mst be finey sbdivided pi t fmatin as the ate f sedimentatin f a sspended patie an be etaded by eding its patie size.
n age paties (me than 5µm) give a gitty texte t the pdt and may ase iitatin if injeted instied int the eye. The ease f administatin f a paentea sspensin depends pn patie size and shape. If the patie size is ve 25 µm it may bk the neede espeiay if they ae aia in shape athe than isdiameti.

2) The se f wetting agents:
n Insbe sids may be:
n1- easiy wetted by wate and wi dispese eadiy thght the aqes phase with minimm agitatin,
n2- exhibit hydphbiity and nt easiy wetted, sme f whih fm age ps mps within the iqid, whie the thes emain n the sfae and attahed t the ppe pat f the ntaine. This may be de t the intefaia sfae tensin between the sid and the iqid.The wetting agent edes this effet and dispaes the adsbed ai n the sfae f the paties by the iqid.
nSme f the mst widey sed wetting agents in phamay:

nSme f the mst widey sed wetting agents in phamay:

nA) Sfae ative agents (Sfatants):
nSfatants wd pjet int the aqes medim beming hydated. Ths wetting f the sid wd de t a fa in intefaia tensin between the sid paties.

Exampes: Mst sfatants ae in 0.1% as wetting agents.
n-The pysbates (Tweens) and Sbitan estes (Spans), f a se.
n-Sdim aysphate and sdim ditysphsinate f extena appiatins.

nB) Hydphii ids:
nThese mateias behave as ptetive ids by ating the sid hydphbi with a mtimea aye. This wi impat a hydphii haate t the sid and ths pmte wetting.

nExampes:aaia, bentnite, tagaanth, aginates and ese deivatives.

) Svents :
n Wate misibe mateias wi ede iqid ai intefaia tensin and wi penetate the se aggmeates f pwde dispaing the ai fm the pes f the individa paties ths enabing wetting t by the dispesin medim.

nExampe:ah, gye and gys.
nFatin Defatin:

n Sspensins may be fated defated depending n the fes f epsin and the fes f attatin between the paties. In the defated sspensins; the dispesed paties emain as disete nits and, sine the ate f sedimentatin depends n the size f eah nit, setting wi be sw. The epsive fes between individa paties aw them t sip ve eah the. The sw ate f setting pevents the entapment f iqid within the sediment whih ths bemes mpated and vey diffit edispese. This phenmenn is aed aking aying, and is the mst seis pbems f physia stabiity f sspensin fmatin.

n In the fated system, aggegatin f patias wi ead t mh me apid ate f sedimentatin bease eah nit ( aggegate) is mpsed f many individa paties and is theefe age. The ate as depends n the psity f aggegates sine, if ps, the dispesin medim an fw thgh and and eah aggegates f fe as it sediment.

nThe sediment f the fated system: nsists f aggegates, eah f them entaps a age amnt f the iqid phase. These aggegates pde “se“"fffy" fes f highe psity with age vme and wi easiy edispese by mdeate agitatin. The fast sedimentatin ate, ths a dange f inaate dsing may , and as the pdt may k ineegant.

nThe sw sedimentatin f defates system enabing nifm dsing bt afte setting, sediment is mpat and diffit t esidpese. An idea sitatin d be btained by pepaing defated system with a sffiienty high vissity t pevent sedimentatin.
nFating agents:

n1) Eetytes: the additin f an ingani eetyte t an aqes sspensin wi ate the “zeta ptentia “f the dispesed paties and if this vae is weed sffiienty then fatin may .

nExampe:sdim sats f aetates phsphates and itates.

n2) Sfatants: bth ini and nn ini sfatants have been sed t bing abt fatin f the paties in sspensin. Ini sfatants may ase defatin by netaizatin f the hage n eah patie. Nn-ini sfatants may be adsbed nt me than ne patie and pde fated system at the apppiate nentatin.

n3) Pymei fating agents: Pymes an be sed t nt the degee f fatin. Thei inea hain mees fm a ge-ike netwk within the system and beme adsbed n t the sfaes f the dispesed paties ths hding them in a fated system.
nExampe:stah, aginates, ese deivatives, tagaanth, abmes and siiates.


Vissity mdifies

1) Pysahaides:
a) Aaia gm (gm Aabi), Tagaanth, Aginates (eg. Sdim aginate), Stah (eg. Sdim stah gyate; Exptab, Pimje, is a deivative f ptat stah sed f the extempanes pepaatin f sspensin, and as as disintegant).

b) Wate sbe ese: (eg. Methy ese, Hydxyethyese, Sdim abxymethyese Miystaine ese, Avie)

2) Hydated siiates: (Bentnite, Magnesim aminim siiate ,Veegm):

3) abxypy methyene: (abp)

4) ida siin dixide: ( Aesi, ab--si )
Fmatin additives

1) Bffes:
The insin f bffes may be neessay t:
a) maintain hemia stabiity,
b) nt tniity, ,
) t ense physigia inmpatibiity.

2) Density mdifie:
If the dispese and the ntins phase have the sme densities, sedimentatin wd nt . Min mdifiatin f the aqes phase f a sspensin, by adding sse, gye ppyene gy; may pevent mdify the ate f sedimentatin.

3) Favs, s and pefmes:
These mateias may be sef t impve the attativeness f the pdt: and t enabe easy pdt identifiatin.

4) Hmetants:
These mateias ae smetimes inpated at a nentatin f abt 5% int aqes sspensin f extena appiatin t pevent the pdt fm dying t afte appiatin t the skin.
Exampe: gye and ppyene gy.

5) Pesevatives:
Pesevatives may be added speiay if natay ing mateias t pevent the gwth f miganism. ae mst be taken t ense that n inativatin f the pesevative de t inteatin with the ingedients.

6) Sweetening agent:
High nentatin f sse, sbit gye, whih wi exhibit Newtnian ppeties, may advesey affet the hegia ppeties. Sweetenes may be sats and an affet the degee f fatin.
Stabiity testing f sspensin

The physia stabiity f a sspensin is assessed by the measement f these paametes:
1) Its ate f sedimentatin.

2) The fina vme height f the sediment, and

3) The ease f edispesin f the pdt.

The fist tw paametes an be assessed easiy by measing the tta initia vme f a sspensin (V), and the vme hight f the sediment (V), by ptting the vae f VV against time f a seies f tia fmatins, the spe f eah ine indiate whih sspensin shws the swest ate f sedimentatin.
The vae VV bemes nstant when sedimentatin has seaed ( stpped).

nThe tem fatin vae an be sed whih is a ati f the fina vme height f the sediment f a fated systems t the vme height f the fy sedimented ake f the same system whih has been defated.
nβ = degee f f. ( F.Vae)
nβ = Vme f Sediment f fate Vme f Sediment f defated
nβ = 5010 = 5.0

nThe ease f edispesin f a system an be assessed qaitativey by simpe agitatins f the pdt.
nThe pess f entifgatin may desty the stte f a fated system whih may emain intat nde nma stage nditins. The sediment fmed wd beme tighty paked and diffit t edispese withe the initia sspensin is fated defated. This methd gives a sef indiatin f the eative stabiity f a seies f tia pdts.

nTempeate ying:
n The physia stabiities f a seies f sspensin may be pssibe t be mpaed if sbjeted t aising f tempeate nde nma stage nditins.
n yes nsisting f stage f sevea hs at a tempeate f abt 40˚ fwed by feezing have been sed sessfy.
nManfate f sspensin

n It is imptant t ense, initiay, that the pwde t be sspended is in sitaby fine degee f sbdivisin in de t ense:
na) minimm sedimentatin ate, and,
nb) adeqate biavaiabiity.
nPepaatin f sspensin n sma sae:

n The pwdeed dg an be mixed with the sspending agent and sme f the vehie sing a peste and mta. A wetting agent, if neessay, may be added, at this stage, t aid dispesin. the sbe ingedients shd then be dissved in anthe ptin f the vehie, mixed with the nentated sspensin and then made p t vme.
nPepaatin f sspensin n age sae:
n By making a nentated dispesin f the sspending agent fist by adding the mateia swy t the vehie whie mixing, sing sitabe mixe, sh as a ppee type bende a tbine mixe. This stage is imptant as it ense that aggmeates f the sspending agent ae fy bken p. If the sspending agent is bended with ne f the wate sbe ingedients, sh as sse, this wi as, aid dispesin.

nThe dg t be sspended is then added in the same way ang with the wetting agent. the ingedients shd nw be added, pefeaby dissved in a ptin f the vehie, and the whe made p t vme.
n Finay hmgenizatin wd ense mpete dispesin f the dg and the pdtin f a smth and eegant pepaatin. In nma ases, aqes sspensins may be ataved f steiizatin if the pess dse nt affets the physia hemia stabiity.

السلام عليكم
ربي يكون في العون
انا عندي الاتنين امتحان صيدلانيات فاينال بس انا سنة اولى لكن المنهج بتاعك تماما يشبه منهجنا صيدلة فيزيائية ودكتورنا اجنبي وما بنفهم شئ منه

بالتوفيق يارب اخ الAMAF و phamay gi
الماده واضحه وترتيبها تمام يعطيك العافيه على نقلها ..
انت حاول افهمها فهم وبعدين احفظ الامثله والنقاط هيك بكون اسهل عليك