نموذج من العلاجات المستقبليه للسرطان

Theapy tns patients' es int ane smat bmbs

PSTED: 9:52 p.m. EDT, Agst 31, 2006

va ikExpie = "-1";By histy Feig
Adjst fnt size:

BETHESDA, Mayand (NN) -- Instead f sing sgey, hemtheapy, adiatin, eseahes fm the Natina Instittes f Heath ae finding s-fa imited bt inspiing sess in a new appah f fighting ane, sing the immne system t attak the tms the way it wd a d f.
The hman immne system desn't say fight ane n its wn, s D. Steven senbeg and his NIH eages ae tying t genetiay enginee it, sing a vis they eated in the ab that seeks t ane tms and attahes t them.
senbeg's idea: Mix the es that seek t the ane with the immne es that desty things and see whethe it wd eate a st f smat bmb f the ane. (senbeg: 'Jst a stat')
In the stdy, senbeg tested the appah in 17 patients with advaned meanma, a danges fm f skin ane. A the nventina teatments f the disease aeady had faied in a f the patients.
In 15 f the patients senbeg's engineeed immne-e teatment didn't wk, bt in tw f the patients the ane seems t have mpetey disappeaed. The findings ae pbished in this week's isse f the jna Siene. (Wath hw teatment tk dad dwn the aise -- 3:06)
The finding has eated exitement and hpe amng ane expets. D. Phiip Geenbeg f the nivesity f Washingtn Sh f Mediine aed it "the beginning f a new hapte in teating ane patients."
ne f the patients in whm the teatment seeded is Mak ige fm Watetwn, Wisnsin.
He was fist fnd t have meanma in 1999 in a me n his bak. Afte sgey, it went away. Bt thee yeas ate the ane ame bak. He tied many teatments bt by 2004 nthing was wking, and the ane had spead t his ive.
"I was jst petty mh devastated when I fnd t I did nt espnd," he says. "ight abt that time my daghte gt engaged and I knew thee was ging t be a wedding ming p, s thee was nen. I wanted t be thee."
Thgh nine eseah, his wife fnd senbeg's inia tia at the Natina Instittes f Heath in Bethesda, Mayand, and they went f an inteview. ige and 16 the patients wee aepted.
Fist the dts emved white bd es aed ymphytes fm the patients; the es ae the wais f the immne system. The ymphytes wee paied with the vis that dts had genetiay engineeed in the ab t seek t ane tms and attah t them. The hpe was that the spe-immne es wd desty the tms.
ne the immne es had been genetiay engineeed, patients ndewent hemtheapy t ki mst f thei igina immne es. Then the new jied-p es wee infsed bak int the bdy and the patients wee given a teatment aed Inteekin 2, whih stengthens the new immne system.
When veteans in the fied f ane, wh have had thei hpes dashed many times, tak f a stdy being the beginning f a new hapte in ane teatment, it daws attentin. And sevea pminent ane eseahes td NN that this stdy is an imptant mment in teatment f the disease.
"This nts," says D. en ihtenfed f the Ameian ane Siety. "It's eay, bt it's the beginning f a new appah."
The next step f senbeg is anthe inia tia with ptentiay stnge gene theapy, and he expets t hea in the next few weeks whethe the FDA has appved the tia. He aknwedges that mh wk ies ahead, bt he beieves that in the ng n this appah wi wk n abt haf f a mmn anes.
The exta mnths Mak ige neve expeted t have have bght sme amazing memies. ast Septembe ne f his deams ame te: He waked his daghte Katie dwn the aise.
"It was a fantasti day," he says f the wedding. "It was a eebatin, a eebatin f ife. It was the beginning f my daghte's ife, he new ife, and the beginning f my new ife تم الترخيص للعلاج وهو عباره عن فيروس يلتصق بالخلايا السرطانية ولايلتصق بالخلايا السليمة ويدمر الخلايا السرطانية ويقوم بتنشيط جهاز المناعة ويعتبر بداية كبيره لعلاج السرطان.
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