Blood Glucose

bd gse test meases the amnt f a type f sga, aed gse, in y bd. Gse mes fm abhydate fds. It is the main se f enegy sed by the bdy. Insin is a hmne that heps y bdy's es se the gse. Insin is pdtiveness and eeased int the bd when the amnt f gse in the bd ises.

Nmay, y bd gse eves inease sighty afte y eat. This ineases t eease insin s that y bd gse eves d nt get t high. Bd gse eves that emain high ve time an damage y eyes, kidneys, neves, and bd vesses.

Sevea diffeent types f bd gse tests ae sed.
Fasting bd sga (FBS) meases bd gse afte y have nt eaten f at east 8 hs. It is ften the fist test dne t hek f pediabetes and diabetes.
2-h pstpandia bd sga meases bd gse exaty 2 hs afte y stat eating a mea.
andm bd sga (BS) meases bd gse egadess f when y ast ate. Sevea andm measements may be taken thght the day. andm testing is sef bease gse eves in heathy pepe d nt vay widey thght the day. Bd gse eves thatvay widey may mean a pbem. This test is as aed a asa bdgse test.
a gse teane test is sed t diagnse pediabetes and diabetes. Anagseteane test is a seies f bd gse measements taken afte y dink a sweetiqidthat ntains gse. This test is mmny sed t diagnse diabetes thatsdingpegnany (gestatina diabetes). F me infmatin, see the media test a Gse Teane Test. This test is nt mmny sed t diagnse diabetes in a pesn whisntpegnant.
Why It Is Dne

Bd gse tests ae dne t:
hek f diabetes.
Mnit teatment f diabetes.
hek f diabetes that s ding pegnany (gestatina diabetes).
Detemine if an abnmay w bd sga eve (hypgyemia) is pesent. A test t mease bd eves f insin and a ptein aed -peptide may be dne ang with a bdgsetest t detemine the ase f hypgyemia. F me infmatin, see themediatest-Peptide
