Developing an Asthma Action Plan

Deveping an Asthma Atin Pan
What is an asthma atin pan?
An asthma atin pan is a witten pan deveped by y dt t hep y manage y asthma and pevent asthma attaks. The pan is designed t te y what t d when y expeiene hanges in the seveity f y symptms and in y peak fw nmbes.
Hw ae these pans designed?
Asthma atin pans an be ganized in a nmbe f ways. The imptant thing is that y pan gives y and y famiy infmatin that an be sed in the event that y expeiene an asthma emegeny. An asthma atin pans may inde:

* A ist f the tigges espnsibe f y asthma and hw t avid them.
* A ist f peak fw mete eadings and znes based n y pesna best.
* A ist f tine symptms sh as ghing, wheezing, tightness in the hest, shtness f beath, and exess ms pdtin, as we as what y shd d if these symptms .
* What y shd d if nighttime asthma symptms awaken y.
* A ist f me seis asthma symptms sh as deeased effetiveness f y eieve mediine and beathessness and what y shd d if these symptms .
* The name and dse f the qik-ating ese mediatin that needs t be taken, even when thee ae n symptms, and the name and dse f the eieve mediatin that needs t be taken when y ae having an asthma attak.
* Emegeny teephne nmbes and atins f emegeny ae.
* Insttins abt when t ntat y dt, whm t a if y dt is navaiabe, and a ist f whee t get emegeny teatment. F nveniene, asthma atin pans ae ften bken dwn int thee znes: geen, yew and ed. In eah zne, y pan wi give y dt-witten insttins n hw t hande eah instane.
Geen: Whee y shd be evey day - N asthma symptms. Abe t d sa ativities and seep witht ghing, wheezing beathing diffity. Peak Fw (80-100% f pesna best).
Yew (atin): This is NT whee y shd be. Thee may be ghing, wheezing and mid shtness f beath. Seep and sa ativities may be distbed. Y may be me tied than sa. Peak fw (50-80% pesna best). a y dt if y keep dpping int the yew zne. The geen zne pan may need t be hanged t pevent this.
ed: ed zne means y need gent media ae. Symptms may inde feqent, sevee gh, sevee shtness f beath, wheezing, tbe taking, waking, and apid beathing. Peak fw (<50% pesna best). If y ae gasping f ai, have be ips fingenais ae nabe t d a Peak Fw, a 9-1-1.
Asthma atin pans shd be eviewed with y dt at east ne a yea. hanges in the pan may be needed bease f hanges in y peak fw nmbes the mediatins y ae taking.
Aways keep y pan smewhee it an be easiy fnd by y y famiy.