
D. Bendik Pefming a ive Bipsy with a igid endspe.
D Shesse emves a sk fm the sma intestine f a dg.

The sk n the end f the fexibe endspe

king Within at KAH

Endspy mes fm the Geek wd "spy," meaning "k" and "end," meaning "within". The dt ses instments with fibepti "ight fibe bnde" tehngy t "view within" y pet. Thee ae tw kinds f endspes: igid and fexibe. igid spes an k inside the abdmen, jints, and hest with ny ne tw sma inisins appximatey ne-haf- inh ng. These inisins ae say sed with ny ne ste. When king inside the inay badde, stmah, n, intestine nse, n inisin is neessay.
This eqipment has evtinized hman mediine and sgey. It is ikey t d the same f veteinay mediine. We at KAH ae nw abe t d expaty sgey and take bipsies in the abdmen, hest, and jints witht the neessity f age inisins. With fexibe spe we ae abe t view, bipsy and emve feign bdies fm the ai passageways, ngs, stmah and sma intestine. This signifianty edes the isk f ng anestheti peids and the pain and dismft f age inisins f y pet's.
Endspy is nt avaiabe f as many types f veteinay pedes as they ae avaiabe f hman beings. Many f the instments f hmans ae t age in diamete t be sef f pet's. New nes need t be designed f se in sma anima patients. Sevea ae being designed tday and we ae hping that as demand ineases, me endspes wi be avaiabe.
We at KAH hse t by Ka Stz Endspy eqipment. They ae the eades in veteinay endspy, with a divisin f veteinaians. We have phased a wide vaiety f eqipment, sting ve $40,000. We have a fexibe spe f espiaty and GI wk, tw igid spes f the abdmen, hest, badde and the nasa avity, and a abn dixide insffat (mahine that pmps gas) f the abdmen. We have a vide amea that attahes t the spes awing s t view and ed pedes. This aws team f dts at KAH t nst with eah the and t nst the pinins f tside speiaists, if needed.
Stz is spnsing a nmbe f taining seminas and the nty. D. Bendik and D. Shesse have attended sevea f these ses f in-depth taining in these tehniqes. Thee ae ny abt five speiaists in the nty wh ae widey sing endspy, espeiay igid endspy, at this time. The investment f time and eses t stdy and netwk with these dts is imptant t s.
Hw has aqisitin f this eqipment heped y pets in the St. is aea?
In the few sht weeks sine wning Stz endspes, we have been abe t:
Pefm 7 ive bipsies with tw 38" inisins instead f an 8" t 10" inisin. We wee abe t visaize the ata esins, ths insing an aate diagnsis and giving infmatin f pgnsis (we d te if the esin disease had spead t the gans.)
emve a ibbn fm a at’s stmah and sma intestine witht sgey.
emve tw sks fm a abad etieve’s stmah. The abad has had tw pevis sgeies t emve sks fm his stmah.
Examine a badde and pefm a bipsy, diagnsing badde ane witht sgey.
Pefm five expaty sgeies f the abdmen, f f these with bipsies and ne feeding tbe was instaed.
Pefm f athspies (jint expatins) in dgs t evaate igament damage.
Examine the nasa passage and ngs f a pet with hni ghing and sneezing.

The staff f KAH is vey exited abt this new tehngy and what it an d f patients. Athgh nt a pbems an be sved by endspy, a geat nmbe f diseases we see daiy an be diagnsed with ess pain and sffeing f the anima invved. In jst a few weeks we have been abe t diagnse, teat and pevent pssibe ife theatening events with amst n pain and dismft. We have pevented pets fm ging thgh extensive peative pedes and pnged heaing times. We fee that endspy is ne f the ts that wi set the se f the fte f veteinay mediine