HELLP syndrome

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

What is the HEP syndme

HEP syndme: A syndme feating a mbinatin f "H" f

hemysis (beakage f ed bd es), "E" f eevated ive enzymes, and "P" f w pateet nt (an essentia bd tting eement).

The HEP syndme is a egnized mpiatin f
peeampsia and eampsia (txemia) f pegnany, ing in 25% f these pegnanies.

mmn symptms in wmen with the HEP syndme inde
a genea feeing f feeing nwe (maaise), nasea and vmiting, and pain in the ppe abdmen. Ineased fid in the tisses (edema) is as feqent. Ptein is measabe in the ine f mst wmen with the HEP syndme. Bd pesse may be eevated. asinay, ma an est fm seisy w bd sga (hypgyemia

The fist de f teatment f HEP syndme is management f the bd tting isses. If feta gwth is estited, gent deivey an be eqied. If the HEP syndme deveps at afte 34 weeks f gestatin if the fets' ngs ae mate mthe's heath is in jepady, gent deivey is the teatment.
Afte deivey, the mthe's stats is mnited sey. The HEP syndme an be mpiated by ive pte, anemia, beeding, and death. The HEP syndme an as devep ding the eay peid afte deivey f a baby.
Wmen with a histy f HEP syndme ae nsideed at ineased isk f mpiatins in fte pegnanies.

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نعم هذا السندروم موجود في النسائية في الموضوع عن txemia f pegnany وانا أول مرة أسمع فيه فحبيت أن أضع عنه لمحة في المنتدى.

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