Honey could save diabetics from amputation


MADISN, nited States (AFP) - Speading hney n a diabeti

e d pevent the need t amptate an infeted ft,

eseahes say.


A dt at the nivesity f Wisnsin wh heped abt haf a

dzen f he diabeti patients avid amptatin has anhed a

nted tia t pmte the widespead se f hney theapy.

The theapy invves sqeezing a thik aye f hney nt the

wnd afte dead skin and bateia have been emved.

The hney kis bateia bease it is aidi and avids the

mpiatin f bateia esistane fnd with standad

antibitis, Jennife Eddy, a pfess at the nivesity's

Sh f Mediine and Pbi Heath, td AFP.

"This is a temendsy imptant isse f wd heath," Eddy


Diabetis typiay have p iatin and deeased abiity

t fight infetin and es an be had t teat. An

amptatin is pefmed evey 30 sends smewhee in the wd,

Eddy said.

"If we an pve that hney pmtes heaing in diabeti es,

we an ffe new hpes f many patients, nt t mentin the

st benefit, and the isse f bateia esistane. The

pssibiities ae temends."

Hney theapy is aeady sed t teat bed ses in New Zeaand

and as an atenative fm f mediine in Epe, bt has

agey been eegated t histy bks in the nited States.

Eddy fist head f it in media sh when a pfess

mmented that f a the anient emedies, hney atay

seemed t wk when he tied it t in the abaty.

She tied hney theapy as a ast est six yeas ag with a

79-yea-d diabeti patient wh had deveped ft wnds

esistant t standad teatments.

"I tied it ny afte eveything ese had faied and... we had

essentiay sent him hme t die ," she said. "A antibitis

wee stpped when we stated hney, and his wnds apidy

heaed. "

Eddy hpes t have the tia mpeted and the ests pbished by 2008 2009 .

وجــــدت هــــدا الخـــبر بتاريـخ اليـوم على صــفـحـة اليـاهــــو

فى الولايات المـتحــدة يــثـبــتـون اليـوم ما جـاء به الـقرأن

الكريـمـ قبـل 14 قرن

قال تعالى: { يخرج من بطونها شراب مختلف ألوانه فيه شفاء للناس }

ســـــــــــــــبحانـــ اللـــــــــــه
منقول للافادة

سبحان الله الله يسعد قلبك ياغالية سلمت يمناكِ