تابــــع... antipakinsn agent
dg inease the eease f dpamine
it stimate the eease f dpamine fm the stage aea
may sed in mbinatin f evdpa
it as deay the eptake f dpamine by neve teminas and may have sme antihinegi effet
egine dpamine eept agnist
1) bmiptine
it is egine deivative (egpeptide)I
it is diet stimatin f dpamine eept (seetive f D2 eept)I
2) pegide
egine deivative
at as dpamine agnist
egine deivative
stimate D2 eept
dg inease the eease f dpamine
it stimate the eease f dpamine fm the stage aea
may sed in mbinatin f evdpa
it as deay the eptake f dpamine by neve teminas and may have sme antihinegi effet
egine dpamine eept agnist
1) bmiptine
it is egine deivative (egpeptide)I
it is diet stimatin f dpamine eept (seetive f D2 eept)I
2) pegide
egine deivative
at as dpamine agnist
egine deivative
stimate D2 eept
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