Memory, Depression, Insomnia -- And Worms

الحقيقه الخبر ده عجبني اوي
ارجو يعجبكم انتم كمان

SieneDaiy (Ag. 5, 2008) — eseahes have spent deades pbing the ases f depessin, shizphenia and insmnia in hmans. Bt a new stdy may have nveed key insights int the igins f these and the nditins by examining a mst nikey eseah sbjet: wms.

The pjet, whih was ed by kahma Media eseah Fndatin sientist Kenneth Mie, Ph.D., examined the way eye-ess mispi wms knwn as . eegans shy away fm etain kinds f ight. The eseahes made sevea key findings, hief amng them that expsing paayzed . eegans t taviet ight ested nma eves f mvement in the wms.

Mie’s gp at MF taed the ight eatin t a tiny mea sens, whih is ended

by a gene they named ITE-1. “This sens desn’t esembe any the ight senss pevisy disveed,” said Mie.

Athgh hmans ak this taviet ight sens, Mie’s disvey pvides a windw f ndestanding hw the mea signas in neve es aw them t tak t eah the t pde peeptins, behavis, eaning and memy.

“That desn’t mean shining an taviet ight n pepe in wheehais wi sddeny aw them t wak,” said Mie. “Bt it des give s a t that we an se t sve the mysteies f neve e mmniatin and d timatey hep s ndestand the bigy f eveything fm seep and memy t depessin.”

The eseah appeas in the Ag. 5, 2008 editin f the jna PS Bigy.

“The new wk fm Ken Mie's ab has identified a new way that ganisms an sense ight, distint fm the pevisy knwn ight-sensing mehanism sed in the eye,” said Mihae Kee, Ph.D., f the Yae nivesity Sh f Mediine. “It wi be inteesting t see whethe the ITE-1 ight-sensing mehanism wi as ead t new insights int hman sensy peeptin.”

Despite 35 yeas f intensive eseah by hndeds f abs stdying . eegans, n ne had disveed that eye-ess wms an espnd bsty t ight. Mie’s gp fnd the ight espnse when they began stdying wms that wee paayzed bease f a gene mtatin.

In pi stdies, Mie and his MF eages shwed that this mtatin dispts a mea netwk f pathways that nts hw neve es send signas t eah the at synapses, the pints whee diffeent nens th eah the. Thse same neve e pathways ae a pesent in the hman bain, whee they ae thght t pay a e in nting behavis, eaning and memy, and may as be invved in asing hman negia disdes.

“Witht signas fm this netwk, nens annt tak t eah the t mse es t pde mvement, s the mtants jst ie paayzed n the te pate even if y pke and pd them,” Mie said.

Bt when Mie tned a sht waveength ight—ike taviet ays—n the wms, it eated a new signa in the nens, awing the animas t mve as ng as the ight was n them. The same espnse had nt been fnd pevisy in nma . eegans bease thse wms have n tbe mving.

Mie said he thinks the wms ae hadwied t avid damaging etha dses f diet snight, whih indes V ays.

“When y ae ny a few es thik, getting a snbn is fata,” he said.

Mie emphasized that the eseah is sti in its eay stages. “We’e a ng way fm any teatments based n this eseah, bt I think we’ve pened p a d that we didn’t knw was thee befe,” he said. “Thee’s a t f wk eft t be dne, bt I’m exited t see whee this disvey eads s.”

eseah fnding was pvided thgh a gant fm the Natina Institte f Genea Media Sienes, an am f the Natina Instittes f Heath, and MF.