Pediatric Surgery Case

A 4-week-d by pesents with pjetie vmiting ntaining n bie.
Immediatey afte vmiting, the hid ies exessivey f fthe feeds.
Afte feeding ,examinatin eveas peistati waves passing fm eft t ight ass ppe abdmen.
A mass is papabe in the ight ppe qadant(Q) ding feeding.
1)Seet th mst ikey diagnsis:
A-intaania hemhage
B-ddena atesia
-vvs nenatim(high intestina bsttin)
D-hypetphi pyi stensis f infants
E-esphagea atesia

2)What is the apppiate teatment f this nditin?
A-imetidine and akais
B-emegeny apatmy and bwe esetin
-gasti esetin,vagtmy, and pypasty
D-antiemeti and atpine f 4 mnths

أظن انها D-hypetphi pyi stensis f infants
و لذلك العملية E-pymytmy

و اذا صح يا ريت تخبرني.....شو معناته لو peistati waves passing fm eft t ight ass ppe abdmenعلى ايش بدل بالزبط؟؟؟و ايش هو ال in the ight ppe qadant(Q)mass


السلام عليكم

حاله سهلة وخفيفه

مثل ما قال دكتور طارق

التشخيص هو

D-hypetphi pyi stensis f infants



واجابه على سؤالك دكتور طارق

The ative gasti hypepeistasis is tying t psh the fd against the stenti pys.. appeas fm eft t t
(in sevee stensis f se)

اما عن Papabe ive-shaped mass

its a est f the hypetphy and hypepasia f pyi sphinte
- Mainy affets ia mse fibes f pys -

مشكور دكتور محمد عالطرح القيم

بانتظار جديدك

1.(D)The inia diagnsis ests n the findings f vmiting,visibe peistasis, and the pesene f a mp in the ight ppe abdmen.
Mae infants ae mst mmny affeted between the 3d and 6th weeks f ife.
The vmits desn't ntain bie.

2. (E)Pymytmy (nt pypasty) is the peatin f hise

Mide ases have been teated by spasmyti dgs if sgey is nt ndetake


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