It`s an ate infetis disease f the NS ased by pivis. the vis paties mtipy mainy in gastintestina tat, bt in sme ases it may infet the NS and damage antei hn es f the spina d and asinay the meda, bain stem and mt tex this an est in vaying degee f paaysis
pivis is a membe f the famiy pinaviida, wih indes pivises, xsakievises, ehvises and entevises 68-72
NB: pivises an svive f ng peids t side a hst e.g in the mik, wate, fd...et, and it is esistant t aid and bie
the vis ente thgh the mth avity and mtipy in the phaynx, iem and paye`s pathes...this is PHASE 1
PHASE 2...the vis mtipy in the egina ymph ndes, and disseminate in the bd and ase tansient viemia and a mid febie iness
PHASE 3...vis ges t exta-nea tisses, with extenssive mtiptiatin pding 2y viemia
In the NS, pivis epiates and apidy desty antei hn es f the spina d and est pemenant Faid paaysis. ess mmny meda, bain stem and mt tex ae invved asing Bba paaysis
the inbatin peid is 5 t 20 days
infetin with pivis may est in ne f thee pssibe inia finding
A. Inappaent infetin
s in 90-95% f ases and invves ny egina ymph ndes, vis epiates in the ymphid tisse asing ife ng immnity
B. Abtive infetin
in the 4-8% f ases. viemia s and txins fm neti tisses est in a f-ike iness
. Paayti pimyeitis
s in 1-2% f ases. disease stats with maaise, vmiting, feve, headahe, sethat, meningitis, fwed by pain and stiffness in the invved mse and then faid paaysis
Nasphayngea swab is eted ding the fist five days f the iness
eta swab st speimen is eted p t five weeks afte the nset f the disease and ted n hman mnkey kidney es
Netaizatin test... is a sef teniqe f vis typing
tw types f pi vaines sed thgh t the wd
Sak tivaent inativated pivaine (TIPV)..1
Sabin tivaent a ive- attenated pi vaine (TPV)..2
It`s an ate infetis disease f the NS ased by pivis. the vis paties mtipy mainy in gastintestina tat, bt in sme ases it may infet the NS and damage antei hn es f the spina d and asinay the meda, bain stem and mt tex this an est in vaying degee f paaysis
pivis is a membe f the famiy pinaviida, wih indes pivises, xsakievises, ehvises and entevises 68-72
NB: pivises an svive f ng peids t side a hst e.g in the mik, wate, fd...et, and it is esistant t aid and bie
the vis ente thgh the mth avity and mtipy in the phaynx, iem and paye`s pathes...this is PHASE 1
PHASE 2...the vis mtipy in the egina ymph ndes, and disseminate in the bd and ase tansient viemia and a mid febie iness
PHASE 3...vis ges t exta-nea tisses, with extenssive mtiptiatin pding 2y viemia
In the NS, pivis epiates and apidy desty antei hn es f the spina d and est pemenant Faid paaysis. ess mmny meda, bain stem and mt tex ae invved asing Bba paaysis
the inbatin peid is 5 t 20 days
infetin with pivis may est in ne f thee pssibe inia finding
A. Inappaent infetin
s in 90-95% f ases and invves ny egina ymph ndes, vis epiates in the ymphid tisse asing ife ng immnity
B. Abtive infetin
in the 4-8% f ases. viemia s and txins fm neti tisses est in a f-ike iness
. Paayti pimyeitis
s in 1-2% f ases. disease stats with maaise, vmiting, feve, headahe, sethat, meningitis, fwed by pain and stiffness in the invved mse and then faid paaysis
Nasphayngea swab is eted ding the fist five days f the iness
eta swab st speimen is eted p t five weeks afte the nset f the disease and ted n hman mnkey kidney es
Netaizatin test... is a sef teniqe f vis typing
tw types f pi vaines sed thgh t the wd
Sak tivaent inativated pivaine (TIPV)..1
Sabin tivaent a ive- attenated pi vaine (TPV)..2