Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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ارجو المساعده في ايجاد
?what bihemia test f psedmnas aeginsa

الرجاء المساعده


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As was mentined in ab 12, a nmbe f tests an be pefmed t detemine if y nknwn is Psedmnas. These tests inde: 1. Pdtin f the enzyme xidase. The xidase test is based n the bateia pdtin f an xidase enzyme. ythme xidase, in the pesene f xygen, xidizes the paa-amin dimetheyanaine xidase test eagent in a Tax-N® dis. In the immediate test, xidase-psitive eatins wi tn a se within 30 sends (see Fig. 5). xidase-negative wi nt tn a se (see Fig. 6). This eatin ny asts a pe f mintes. In the deayed test, xidase-psitive nies within 10 mm f the Tax-N® dis wi tn bak within 20 mintes and wi emain bak (see Fig. 7). If the bateim is xidase-negative, the gwth and the dis wi nt tn bak (see Fig. 8).
Psedmnas aeginsa and mst the nn-fementative, gam-negative baii ae xidase-psitive; a f the Entebateiaeae ae xidase-negative.

2. Fementatin f gse. A f the Entebateiaeae fement the sga gse; Psedmnas aeginsa and the nn-fementative gam-negative ds wi nt.

3. Pigment pdtin. Nne f the Entebateiaeae pdes pigment at 37°; Psedmnas aeginsa pdes a geen t be, wate-sbe pigment aed pyyanin (see Fig. 9).

4. Feses nde taviet ight. Psedmnas aeginsa pdes a pdt aed fesein that wi fese nde sht waveength (254nm) taviet ight (see Fig. 10).

5. d. Mst f the Entebateiaeae have a athe f sme; Psedmnas aeginsa pdes a haateisti fity gape jie-ike ama de t pdtin f an amati mpnd aed aminaetphenne.

(Sme mmn bitypes f Psedmnas as we as a membes f the Entebateiaeae an as be identified by means f bihemia tests fnd in mmeiay pded systems sh as the Entetbe® II, as wi be disssed bew.)
We wi nw identify ne f the nknwns as Psedmnas aeginsa by means f the abve-mentined tests.
In ab 12, if y xidase test was psitive (see Fig. 5), y inated a pate f Psedse aga with y nknwn. ed y ests nde ests, pat A. 1. Gwth n Psedse aga (PSA). PSA ntains etimide whih inhibits mst bateia the than Psedmnas aeginsa. It as stimates P. aeginsa t pde the pigment pyyanin as we as fesein, a fesent pdt. Psedmnas aeginsa wi typiay pde a geen t be, wate-sbe pigment and wi as fese when the pate is paed nde a sht waveength (254nm) taviet ight.

2. xidase psitive. Psedmnas aeginsa wi shw a psitive immediate xidase test (see Fig. 5) and a psitive deayed xidase test (see Fig. 7) with the Tax-N® dis.

3. Pdtin f a geen t be, wate-sbe pigment n the Psedse aga pate (see Fig. 9). Psedmnas aeginsa pdes a geen t be, wate-sbe pigment aed pyyanin

4. Pdtin f fesent pdts n the Psedse aga pate. Psedmnas aeginsa pdes a pdt aed fesein that wi fese nde sht waveength (254nm) taviet ight (see Fig. 10).

5. Fity d. Psedmnas aeginsa pdes a haateisti fity gape jie-ike ama de t pdtin f an amati mpnd aed aminaetphenne. ift the id f the PSA and, sing y hand, fan twads y nse.

6.Gse fementatin. nike the Entebateiaeae, Psedmnas des nt fement gse. bseve the fist aga we in the Entetbe®, the ne abeed "gse." If the phen ed emains ed ange then aid was nt pded indiating n gse fementatin.

7. Sine sme mmn bitypes f Psedmnas an be identified with the Entetbe® II, we wi as see hw thse ests me t. Keep in mind, hweve, that the Entetbe® II is designed f identifying membes f the bateia famiy Entebateiaeae and nt neessaiy nn-fementative gam-negative baii sh as Psedmnas.


1-xidase : +
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