salmonella species

Gens: SamneaFa7Fa7Fa7Fa7Fa7Fa7
Samnea ae typia membe f the Entebateiaeae, its gam negative baii abe t gw n a wide ange f eativey simpe media, they ae fatative anaebi bateia, and distingished fm the membe f the famiy Entebateiaeae by thei bihemia haateistis and antigeni stte.
It’s mtie, nn – spe fming, attak sga fementativy, its xidase negative and ease negative.
Nma habitat:
Mst f Samnea ae fnd in the intestina tat f anima espeiay f pigs, aws, gats, dent, dks and the pty. Samnea typhi and Samnea paatyphi ae fnd ny in hman and ae exeted in faees and ine f infeted patients and ae pesent in the ga badde f ng – tem aies.
Infetin is by ingestin f ntaminated fd dinking ntaminated wate. Samnea typhi is speading mainy by wate and Samnea paatyphi (A&B) by fd. It’s sensitive t heat (kied by ppe king). Samneae ae nt kied by dying and thee fe svive in pdt sh as died eggs.
In Shistsmasis endemi aeas thee is a high inidene f hni Samnea typhi and Samnea paatyphi infetins and aies (Samnea adhee t adt Shistsma fkes)
Media imptant speies:
• Samnea typhi
• Samnea paatyphi (A,B and )
• Samnea typhimim
• Samnea enteitis
Antigeni stte:
The typia Samnea pssesses tw sets f antigens whih ae demnstated by segia eatins in the abaty.
• Heat – stabe pysahaide whih fm pat f the e wa ip – pysahaide knwn as antigen (smati)
• Fagea antigen (fmed fm stta pteins (heat abie) , has a biphasi fm (I &II).
• Sme stain as pde sfae pysahaide heat – stabe antigen knwn as Vi antigen whih fnd in Samnea typhi and Samnea paatyphi ( ) it is assiated with the viene f ganism.
• Samnea ae gped ading t thei antigen in t many gps (A – Z) (51 – 61) and (64 – 66).

• Samnea ase a disease knwn as samnesis entei feve typhid feve. The infetin is tansmitted by ingestin f imppey ked pty meat and egg as by ntaminated mik and mik pdt. The infeted dse is 105 es, bt eenty it is 100 es. The disease haateized by feve with w pse ates headahe, geneaized pain, enagement f speen (speenmegay), menta nfsin, intestina hemhage and pefatin, skin ve by ash (se spt), the eatin fwed by anemia, TWBS ae w, inbatin peid (7 – 14 days).
• Nephtyphid: In thse with inay Shistsmasis, the nditin is an immne mpex disde f the kidneys and is haateized by feve, edema, maked abminia and haematia.
• Samnea paatyphi (A& B): Assiated with a disease f paatyphid, say mid and haateized by diahea and vmiting(ess invasive).
• Samnea paatyphi (): May ase septiemia, athitis, and infammatin f ga badde
• Samnea typhimim: ase fd pisning (ate gastenteitis) haateized by nasea, vmiting, and aw gate f feve.
mpiatin f Samnesis:
• stemyitis (infammatin f bne)
• Absesses f speen
• Typhid athitis
• Vey ae ase pnemnia and endaditi

• Speimens (depending n the site f infetin) inde: bd, st and ine.
• Mispy: Samnea ae a gam negative say mtie d. Sme stain e apsated.
• te: Samnea ae aebi and fatative anaebi ptimm tempeate f gwth is 35-37◦ and pH ange fm (7 – 7,2)
• Ma nkey aga: Samnea ae nn fements atse and pding smth pae yew nies.
• n XD nies ae ed bak nies (akaine)
• DA : nies ae smae in size, smth, pae yew (NF), with the bak ente (exept Samnea paatyphi (A)
• KIA spe btt gas H2S
Y + +
Bihemia Test
Pimay test:
• ataase + ve
• xidase - ve
• Mtiity + ve
• Pdtin f aid and gas + ve
• –F test Fementative
Senday test:
• Inde test - ve
• itate tiizatin test - ve
• M test + ve
• V – p test - ve
• H2S test - ve
• ease -ve
Segia test:
Wida test:
When te faiities ae nt avaiabe, the Wida test dne t test the pesene f samnea antibdies. Samnea antigen sspensins wee mmeiay avaiabe in abt 5 m amnt (stained).

Antimibia sensitivity
• – timxaze
• Ampiiin
• hampheni
ases f aised () and (H) tite the than ative typhid:
• Pevis samnea infetin
• hni samnesis assiated with Shistsma infetin
• Vainatin
• ent infetin with the samnea speies
• hni ive disease
• hemati athitis
• Nephiti syndme
• hemati feve
• Maaia[eft ]