
Spem Mphgy

An imptant pat f any beeding sndness exam is an evaatin f spem mphgy. In the mst fndamenta ase, the size and shape f the head, midpiee and tai ae examined. Additina infmatin an be gained by evaating integity f the asme and spem membanes.
Spem fm diffeent speies vay in size and shape. B and hman spem, f exampe, have padde-shaped heads, dent spem have hk-shaped heads, and the heads f hiken spem ae spinde-shaped and amst diffit t distingish fm the midpiee. The images shwn bew f at, b and hiken spem ae a at the same magnifiatin.
The ests f a spem mphgy exam ae epted as peent nma. It is aways the ase that sme spem fm an ejaate ae mphgiay abnma, bt when that fatin bemes exessive, fetiity may deease. It is as sef t sbassify the abnma ppatin int the types f abnmaity bseved. Tw types f assifiatin shemes ae mmny sed:Abnmaities an be assified as affeting the head, midpiee tai. The mst basi type f assifiatin sheme diffeentiates pimay and senday abnmaities:

* Anatmi site f the defet: The pbem an invve the head, midpiee tai. Sme abnma spem may have defets in me than ne site.
* Pimay vess senday defets: Pimay defets ae the me sevee and ae thght t iginate whie the spem was sti within the semenifes epitheim f the testis. Senday defets ae ess seis and thght t aise ding passage thght the epididymis by mishanding afte ejaatin. Sme aths qestin the tiity physigi basis f this patten f assifiatin.Pepaing Sides f a Basi Mphgy Examinatin

Many diffeent staining tehniqes have been devised f examining spem mphgy. An nigsin-esin stain is mmny sed bease it is effetive, simpe and, in additin t awing spem t be eadiy visaized, it is a s-aed "ive-dead" stain, awing ne t assess membane integity at the same time as mphgy. The tehniqe f pepaing an esin-nigsin-stained side is as fws:

* Have mispe sides and nigsin-esin stain pewamed t bdy tempeate.
* Pipet a dp f stain nt the end f a side, then pipet a sma dpet f semen next t the stain.
* Pae the edge f anthe side int the dps f stain and semen - k that side bak and fth a few times t mix the spem and stain, then smea the send side ass the sfae f the fist.
* Dy the side apidy by paing in n a waming pate waving it bak and fth in the ai.
* Examine sing a bight fied mispe (typiay sing a 40-100X bjetive ens).The nigsin-stain stain pdes a dak bakgnd n whih the spem stand t as ighty ed bjets. Nma ive spem exde the esin stain and appea white in , wheeas "dead" spem (i.e. thse with ss f membane integity) take p esin and appea pinkish in , as shwn abve with spem fm an Asian eephant (tesy f J. K. Gaham).
Anthe stain that an be sed, and is demnstated bew, is tidine be. This staining pede pdes vey nie pepaatins, bt is me diffit and time nsming that nigsin-esin.
Finay, a tehniqe pefeed by many f evaating spem mphgy is t se n stain at a, bt t visaize spem nde diffeentia intefeene ntast mispy. The spem ae fist fixed with gtaadehyde, and an be sted f pnged peids in that stin. This pede is patiay sef f assessing asma integity.
Exampes f Mphgia Abnmaities

Dbe headed spem (b; esin-nigsin stain)Misshapen head ang with 4 nma spem (b; tidine be stain)Engaged head (b; esin-nigsin stain)Engated head (b; tidine be stain) Pyifm (pea-shaped) head and bent, abnma midpiee (b; esin-nigsin stain)Misshapen head and pxima dpet (b; tidine be stain) Pxima dpet (b; tidine be stain)Dista dpet (b; tidine be stain) Detahed head (b; esin-nigsin stain)Bent tai midpiee (b; esin-nigsin stain) ied tai (b; esin-nigsin stain)ied midpieetai in ne spem and pxima dpet in anthe (b; esin-nigsin stain)

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